Current RD1 PhD Theses

Name Thesis Working Title PIK Supervisor Discipline University/ Supervisor

Billing, Maik

Adaptation of trait shifts in European vegetation with increasing climate variability Kirsten Thonicke Geoecology U Potsdam
Eberhard, Julius Feedbacks between climate and plate tectonics through Earth's history Georg Feulner Climate Physics U Potsdam / Stefan Rahmstorf
Garbe, Julius Interaction of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets Ricarda Winkelmann, Jonathan Donges Physics U Potsdam / Ricarda Winkelmann
Kaufhold, Christine Modelling of long-term future climate change with application to the problem of permanent nuclear waste storage in Germany Andrey Ganopolski Physics U Potsdam / Stefan Rahmstorf
Kitzmann, Niklas Social tipping dynamics for climate change mitigation and sustainability transformations Ricarda Winkelmann, Jonathan Donges Physics U Potsdam / Ricarda Winkelmann
Kreuzer, Moritz Coupling Framework for Interactions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with Ocean and Atmosphere Ricarda Winkelmann, Georg Feulner, Torsten Albrecht Physics U Potsdam / Ricarda Winkelmann, Georg Feulner
Nicola, Lena Short- and long-term effects of extreme events on Antarctic ice dynamics Ricarda Winkelmann, Johanna Beckmann Climate Physics U Potsdam/ Ricarda Winkelmann
Oliveira Guimarães, Sullyandro Advances in climate modeling, performing developments in the Potsdam Earth Model POEM with a focus on the ocean-atmosphere interactions, conduction, interpreting, and publishing scientific simulation experiments Stefan Rahmstorf, Masoud Rostami Climate Physics U Potsdam / Stefan Rahmstorf
Schöll, Simon Ice-ocean feedbacks and critical thresholds Ricarda Winkelmann, Anders Levermann, Torsten Albrecht Physics U Potsdam / Ricarda Winkelmann
Schuster, Antonia Environmental Inequalities in the Anthropocene Ilona Otto Ressource Management HU Berlin
Tobian, Arne Process-based quantification of interactions among planetary boundaries Johan Rockström, Ingo Fetzer (Stockholm), Dieter Gerten Sustainability Science Stockholm University/ Sarah Cornell
Werner, Helen Glacial and Erosional Contributions to Late Quaternary Uplift of the European Alps Ricarda Winkelmann Earth Sciences FU Berlin / Dirk Scherler
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