April 8, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Markus L. Fischer (University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences)
Climate Variations on African-Arabian Hominin Dispersal Path
RD4 Colloqium
April 1, 1 pm
A 56, Hassselmann Hall
Niklas Boers
Generative Machine Learning for Earth system modelling
March 25, 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
Prof. Armand Fouda (Department of Physics / University of Yaounde)
Detecting transition phases in complex systems using COPPS measure
RD4 Colloqium
March 4, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Frank Hellmann Approaching new questions in the energy/sustainability transition using complex systems style models
Master defense
February 18 , 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
David Goll
Analysis of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning from a Statistical Physics,Perspective
RD4 Colloqium
February 11, 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
Leonie Wenz (PIK / RD4) Overview of Societal Transitions and Wellbeing Lab & deep-dive into climate migration project
January 28, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Lütje Lange (PIK / RD4) Spectral Analysis of event-based time-series
RD 4 Colloqium: New-Years-Kick-Off
January 7, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Anders Levermann Generalized Feedback Diagramms
December 3, 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
Sebastian Herrman (Technische Unversität München)
Recurrence Analysis in Football: Domain Adaptation,First Results, and Perspectives
RD 4 Colloqium
November 12, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Linus Mattauch (PIK / TU Berlin) Building public support for climate change mitigation policies
October 15, 11 am
A 56, Telepresence room (ground floor)
Andrea La Nauze (Associate Professor of Economics at Deakin University, Australia)
Can Electric Vehicles Aid the Renewable Transition? Evidence From A Field Experiment Incentivising Midday Charging
October 15, 10 am
A 56, Telepresence room (ground floor)
Ricardo Viana (Universidade Federal do Paraná Curitiba, Brasilien)
Unstable dimension variability and riddled basins of chaotic synchronization
official RD 4-seminar
October 8, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Max Gelbrecht (Future Lab Artificial Intelligence in the Anthropocene)
Machine Learning for Climate Models: Towards Hybrid Earth System Models
October 7, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Thiago de Lima Prado (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil) Recurrence Microstates Applications
September 20, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
David Goll (HU Berlin / PIK RD4)
Analysis of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning from a Dynamical Systems Perspective
September 3, 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
Maria Mannone (University Potsdam)
Counterpoint of Notes and Networks: a Physical-Mathematical Journey
July 16, 1pm
A56, Hasselmann Hall
Lucas Roehrich (HU Berlin)
Critical Transition in Dynamical Adaptive Contagion Models
July 9, 1pm
A31, Big Cupola
Felipe Eduardo Lopes da Cruz (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil)
RQA measures from recurrence microstates
June 25, 1 pm
A56, Hasselmann Hall
Prof. Patrick Fotso (University of Dschang)
Transitions in Swarmalators Systems
official RD 4-seminar
June 11, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Joaquin Ferrer (RD 4/Development of advanced time series analysis techniques)
Slow-moving landslide exposure increases with human settlement pressure
May 22, 1pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Shruti Chopra (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
Cross-variable amplitude-frequency coupling during intermittency in turbulent thermoacoustic systems
Gaurav Chopra (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) Studying turbulent flows from the perspective of complex networks
official RD 4-seminar: special guest
May 7, 3 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Prof. Jan Härter (University Potsdam) Tipping to self-aggregation via mesoscale convective systems
official RD 4-seminar
April 9, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Dr. Frank Hellmann (PIK) Enabling the renewable energy transition. The complex systems perspective on power grids
official RD 4-seminar
March 12, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Dr. Jobst Heitzig (PIK)
Why optimization is neither optimal nor safe, and what an intelligent agent can do instead
30.01.2024, 1pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Giulia Gadani (Université CÔTE D’AZUR/ PIK)
Breaking news: media exposure and climate change denial in the United States
23.01.2024, 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
Prof. Tiago Pereira (University of Sao Paulo)
Emergent hypernetworks in weakly coupled oscillators
9.01.2024, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
RD 4 New-Years-Kick-Off
12.12.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Prof. Istvan Kiss (Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University)
Leveraging Diversity for Synchrony: Emergent Collective Behavior of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators
20.11.2023, 1 pm
Anne Gossing (ZUSE Institute Berlin(ZIB) / PIK)
The impact of El Niño/Southern Oscillation on the Boreal Summer Intra-Seasonal Oscillation - A Complex Network Approach
17.11.2023, 1 pm
A 56 Hasselmann Hall
and online
Prof. Deniz Eroglu (Kadir Has University, Turkey)
Anticipating Critical Transitions in Complex Systems from Data: Insights from Network Dynamics Reconstruction
7.11.2023, 1 pm
A 56 Hasselmann Hall
Dr. Andreas Amann (University College Cork / School of Mathematical Sciences)
Multifunctionality in Reservoir Computing
24.10.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Dr. Nicola Botta (PIK)
Trustable, operationally safe Pareto optimal controls for multi-objective decision making
12.10.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Dr. Murielle Vanessa Tchakui (National Higher Polytechnic Institute)
Nonlinear dynamics, signal transmission and amplification in chains of unidirectionally coupled EMS (Electromechanical systems)
10.10.2023, 1 pm
Dr. Yongge Li (Northwestern Polytechnical University)
Early warning and suppression of noise-induced critical transitions
26.09.2023, 3 pm
Prof. Maria Rugenstein (Colorado State University Dep. of Atmospheric Science)
The pattern effect: Connecting surface warming and radiation to improve projections of climate change
26.09.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Prof. Asep Supriatna (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia) The effect of human behavior caused by misinformation/disinformation in epidemic transmission models
13.07.2023, 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
Damian Hödtke (PIK)
Individuality vs. group pressure - A dynamical model for the emergence of opinion clusters (Master defense)
7.07.2023, 10 am
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Priscilla Wehi, Beatrice Desy, Emily Harvey and Dion O’Neale (Te Pūnaha Matatini)
Complex Systems research in New Zealand: contributions from Te Pūnaha Matatini (TPM) - National Centre of Research Excellence on Complex Systems
4.07.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Dr Andrea La Nauze (University of Queensland)
Do Consumers Acquire Information Optimally? Experimental Evidence from Energy Efficiency
29.06.2023, 2 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Adam Sobel (Columbia University)
Climate risk science: a field in need of theory and synthesis
27.06.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Katrin Quetting (PIK, library)
Open Access & publishing at PIK
20.06.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Jakob Lochner (PIK)
Impact of weather extremes and sociopolitical events on climate change media coverage in Germany
13.06.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Anna Büttner (PIK)
Complex Couplings - A universal adaptive network formulation of power grid dynamics
30.05.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Kelsey Barton-Henry (PIK)
Global economic impacts of wildfires
03.05.2023, 2pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Prof. Dr. Moritz Drupp (University of Hamburg)
Structural Change in the Social Cost of Carbon
02.05.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Jamir Priesner (PIK)
Biophysical Coupling of Climate and Vegetation in the Amazon Region studied with Complex Network Analysis (Master defense)
18.04.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Jin Zhao (TU Dortmund)
Extreme events in power grids
21.03.2023, 1 pm
A 31, Big Cupola
Timothé Beaufils (PIK)
Exploring the construction of a climate club through policy spill-overs
14.02.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Alexander Schmaus (PIK)
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach for Stop Pooling in On-Demand Ride-Pooling Services
7.02.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Matheus Rolim Sales (State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil)
Stickiness and recurrence plots: an entropy-based approach
31.01.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Dr. Szabolcs Horvát (Center for Systems Biology, Dresden)
17.01.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
Dr. Jobst Heitzig (PIK)
Towards modeling sustainable management of humanity's long-term welfare
10.01.2023, 1 pm
A 56, Hasselmann Hall
RD4 Meeting - 2023 kick off
RD-Head Prof. Anders Levermann