Publications: Urban Systems

By year: [2011-2012] [2013-2014] [2015-2016] [2017-2018] [2019-2020] [2021-2022] [2023-2024] [Books, Popular Science]
By topic: [Damages] [Development/SDGs] [Sectors/GHG] [Food/Sustainability] [Transitions] [Urban Systems] [Vulnerability/Impacts]

Journal Articles: Urban Systems

bold: Contributions of group members

  1. Reitemeyer, F., Fritz, D., Jacobi, N., Díaz-Bone, L., Viteri, C. M., & Kropp, J. P. (2023). Quantification of urban mitigation potentials-coping with data heterogeneity. Heliyon, in press, [DOI].
  2. Ribeiro FL, Rybski D (2023): Mathematical models to explain the origin of urban scaling laws, Physics Reports, 1012: 1-39,  [DOI].
  3. De Simone M, Pradhan P, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2023), A large share of Berlin's vegetable consumption can be produced within the city-limits. Sustainable Cities and Society. 91 (2023) 104362, [DOI].
  4. Helbling M, Rybski D, Schewe J, Siedentop S, Glockmann M, Heider B, et al. (2023) Measuring the effect of climate change on migration flows: Limitations of existing data and analytical frameworks. PLOS Clim 2(1): e0000078, [DOI].
  5. Pradhan, P., Callaghan, M., Hu, Y., Dahal, K., Hunecke, C., Reusswig, F., Lotze-Campen, H., Kropp, J.P. (2023). Urban agriculture provides multiple benefits besides food. Global Food Security, in press, [DOI]. 
  6. Rybski, D. and Ciccone, A. (2023) Auerbach, Lotka, Zipf – pioneers of power-law city-size distributions, Archive for History of Exact Sciences, in press, [DOI].
  7. Rybski D, Gonzalez MC (2022): Cities as complex systems. Plos One, 17(2): e0262965, [DOI].
  8. Glockmann M, Li Y, Lakes T, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2022): Quantitative evidence for leapfrogging in urban growth. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science,  49(1),  352-367 [DOI].
  9. Schägg E, Becker SL, Pradhan  P (2022): Thwarted visions of transition: the impact of hegemonic sexism on Repair Cafes and urban sustainability. Urban Transformations, 4, [DOI]
  10. Krummenauer L, Costa L, Prahl BF & Kropp JP (2021). Future heat adaptation and exposure among urban populations and why a prospering economy alone won’t save us. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 20309. [DOI]
  11. Yunfei Li Y, Zhou B, Glockmann M, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2021): Context sensitivity of surface urban heat island at the local and regional scales. Sustainable Cities and Society, 74: 103146, [DOI].
  12. Alzes LGA, Rybski D, Ribeiro HV (2021): Commuting network effect on urban wealth scaling, Scientific Reports, 11, 22918.  [DOI].
  13. Rybski D, Pradhan P, Shutters ST, van Butsic, Kropp JP (2021): Characterizing the sectoral development of cities. PlosOne , 16(7): e0254601, [DOI].
  14. Rybski D, Li Y, Kropp JP, Born S (2021): Modeling urban morphology by unifying Diffusion-Limited Aggregation and Stochastic Gravitation. Urban Findings - in press, [DOI].
  15. Ribeiro HV, Oehlers M,  Moreno-Monroya AI, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2021): Effects of population distribution on urban scaling. Plos One 16(1): e0245771, [DOI]
  16. Tonne C, Adair L, Adlakha D, Anguelovski I, Belesova K, Berger M, Brelsford C, Dadvand P, Dimitrova A, Giles-Corti B, Heinz A, Mehran N, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Pelletier F, Ranzani O, Rodenstein M, Rybski D, Samavati A, Satterthwaite D, Schöndorf J, Schreckenberg D, Stollmann J, Taubenböck H, Tiwari G, van Wee B, Adli M (2021): Defining pathways to healthy sustainable urban development. Environment International, 146: 106236, [DOI].
  17. Li Y, Rybski D, Kropp, J.P. (2021): Singularity Cities. Environment and Planning B, 48(1):43-59, [DOI].
  18. Zhou B, Thies S, Gudipudi R, Luedeke MKB, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2020): Gini approach to spatial CO2 emissions. Plos One, 15(11), e0242479, [DOI]
  19. Bettencourt LMA, Yang VC, Lobo J, Kempes CP, Rybski D, Hamilton MJ (2020): The interpretation of urban scaling analysis in time. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17: 163, [DOI].
  20. Pradhan P, Kriewald S, Costa L, Rybski D, Benton TG, Fischer G, and Kropp JP (2020): Urban food systems: how regionalization can contribute to climate change mitigation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(17) 10551–10560. [DOI].
  21. Li Y, Schubert S, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2020): On the influence of density and morphology on the Urban Heat Island intensity. Nature Communications, 11: 2647, [DOI].
  22. Huber V, Krummenauer L, Pena-Ortiz C, Lange S, Gasparrini A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Garcia-Herrera R, Frieler K (2020): Temperature-related excess mortality in German cities at 2 °C and higher degrees of global warming. Environmental Research, 186: 109447, [DOI].
  23. Sterzel T, Lüdeke MKB, Walther C, Kok MT, Sietz D, Lucas P (2020): Typology of coastal urban vulnerability under rapid urbanization. PLoS One 15(1): e0220936 [DOI].
  24. Akuraja V, Pradhan P, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2020): Relating SDG11 indicators and urban scaling - an explorative study. Sustainable Cities and Societies, 52:101853 [DOI].
  25. Rybski D , R. Dawson, Kropp, J.P. (2020): Comparing generic and case study damage functions – the London storm-surge example. Natural Hazards Review, 21(1), 06019003, [DOI].
  26. Behnisch M, Schorcht M, Kriewald S, Rybski D (2019): Settlement percolation: A study of building connectivity and poles of inaccessibility. Landscape and Urban Planning, 191,103631 [DOI].
  27. Krummenauer L, Costa, L., Walther C, Prahl BF, Holsten A, Kropp JP (2019): Global drivers of minimum mortality temperatures. The Science of the Total Environment, [DOI].
  28. Kriewald S, Pradhan P, Costa L, Cantu Ros A, Kropp JP (2019): Hungry cities: how local food self-sufficiency relates to climate change, life styles and urbanization. Environmental Research Letters, 14(9): 094007, [DOI].
  29. Ribeiro HV, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2019): Effects of changing population or density on urban carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Communications, 10: 3204, [DOI].
  30. Gudipudi R, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2019): Urban emission scaling — Research insights and a way forward. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(9): 1678-1683 [DOI].
  31. Gudipudi, R., Rybski, D., Lüdeke, M.K.B., Zhou, B., Zhu, L. Kropp, J.P. (2019): The efficient, the intensive, and the productive: insights from the urban Kaya relation. Applied Energy, 236, 155-165, [DOI].
  32. Zhou Bin, S. Kaplan, A. Peeters, I. Kloog, E. Erell (2019): “Surface”, “satellite” or “simulation”: Mapping intra-urban microclimate variability in a desert city. Int J Climatol. 2019; 1–19 [DOI].
  33. Gudipudi R, Lüdeke MKB, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2018): Benchmarking urban eco-efficiency and urbanites' perception, Cities, 74, 109-118, [DOI].
  34. Becker SL, von der Wall G (2018): Tracing regime influence on urban community gardening: How resource dependence causes barriers to garden longer term sustainability. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 35, 82-90, [DOI].
  35. Prahl, B. F.; Boettle, M.; Costa, L.; Kropp, J. P.; Rybski, D. (2018): Damage and protection cost curves for coastal floods within the 600 largest European cities, Nature Scientific Data, 5, [DOI].
  36. Olonscheck M, Walther C (2017): Methods to assess local heat exposure - A comparison of approaches for precincts of the German city of Karlsruhe, Urban Climate, Vol. 19, p. 41-53 [DOI]
  37. Zhou B, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2017): The role of city size and urban form in the surface urban heat island. Scientific Reports, 7, 4791, [DOI]
  38. Rybski D, Reusser DE, Winz AL, Fichtner C, Sterzel T, Kropp JP (2017): Cities as Nuclei of Sustainability? Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 44,(3): 425-440 [DOI].
  39. Fluschnik T, Kriewald S, Cantu Ros A, Zhou B, Reusser DE, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2016): The size distribution, scaling properties and spatial organisation of urban clusters: a global and regional percolation perspective. ISPRS Int. Jour. Geo. Information, 5(7), 110, [DOI].
  40. Walther C, Olonscheck M (2016): Analyzing heat exposure in two German cities by using meteorological data from both within and outside a city. Meteorological Applications, 23, 3, 541–553, [DOI].
  41. Gudipudi R, Fluschnik T, Cantu Ros A, Walther C, Kropp JP (2016): City density and CO2 efficiency. Energy Policy, 91:352–361, [DOI]
  42. Zhou B, Lauwaet D, Hooyberghs H, de Ridder K, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2016): Assessing seasonality in the surface urban heat island of London. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55(3):493–505, [DOI]
  43. Reckien D Lüdeke MKB (2014): The social dynamics of suburbanization: insights from a qualitative model Environment and Planning A, 46(4) 980 – 1000, [DOI]
  44. Zhou B, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2013): On the statistics of urban heat island intensity. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(20): 5486–5491, [DOI]
  45. Rybski D, Garcia Cantu Ros A, Kropp JP (2013): Distance-weighted city growth Phys Rev E 86(4): 042114, [DOI]
  46. Kit O, Lüdeke MKB, Reckien D (2013): Defining the bull's eye: satellite imagery-assisted slum population assessment in Hyderabad/India. Urban Geography, 34(3), 413-424, [DOI]
  47. Rybski D (2013): Auerbach’s Legacy. Environment and Planning A, 45(6) 1266 – 1268, [DOI]
  48. Kit O, Lüdeke MKB (2013): Automated detection of slum area change in Hyderabad, India using multitemporal satellite imagery Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 3: 130-137, [DOI]
  49. Boettle M, Kropp JP, Reiber L, Roithmeier O, Rybski D, Walther C (2011): About the influence of elevation model quality on estimated flood damages: results from the Kalundberg case study. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 3327–3334, [DOI].
  50. Kit O, Lüdeke MKB, Reckien D (2011): Texture-based identification of urban slums in Hyderabad, India using remote sensing data. Applied Geography 32(2): 660-667 [DOI].
  51. Rozenfeld H D, Rybski D, Gabaix X, Makse HA (2011): The area and population of cities: New insights from a different perspective on cities. American Economic Review, 101(5): 2205–25, [DOI].
  52. Reckien D, Martinez-Fernandez C (2011): Why do cities shrink? European Planning Studies, 19(8): 1375-1397 [DOI].
  53. Reckien D, Eisenack K, Lüdeke MKB (2011): Land consumption by urban sprawl - a new approach to deduce urban development scenarios from actors’ preferences. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 16(5): 465-477 [DOI].

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