Urban Transformations: PhD seminar

Upcoming events in 2016

12 Feb, 11am

Pei-Yuan Chen Design Storm Analysis under Climate Change and Low Impact Development Planning for a Community


Previous seminars in 2015


24 Jul

Wei Weng

Changes in land–atmosphere interactions and feedback on the climate: Siberian wetlands during permafrost degradation

22 May

Christopher Braune

OpenStreetMap als Datenquelle für Vulnerabilitätsanalysen: London und
Rio de Janairo als Fallstudien



Stefan Askew

The contribution of governance innovation in overcoming barriers to transition

(towards a sustainable society)



Prajal Pradhan

Food Demand and Supply under Global Change

20 Mar Matthias Lüdecke
and Carsten Walther

Bad weather in Potsdam in the mid of the 21th century?

19 Jan José Lizardi

Study on urban heat island development in Mexico City

16 Jan Natalie Ward The case for green space: Berlin's urban gardening initiatives and their contribution to ecosystem services



Via the links below, you can access the lists of PhD-Seminars held between 2009 and 2014.

[2013/2014] [2011/2012] [2009/2010]

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