Peru, Brazil & Bolivia

Disruptive weather phenomena like El Niño have the power to jeopardize food and water security as basis of a resilient development on a national, regional and local level. Cross-sectoral planning based on seasonal forecasts is vital to harmonize adaptation and mitigation options for a higher resilience towards climate variability in the future.

Our Work in the Region

Seasonal forecasts and modelling trends in regional climate help to assess the impacts of disruptive weather phenomena on a national, regional and community level. The regional scale is where climate change manifests and also where most mitigation and adaptation measures are planned and implemented. Robust and sector-tailored scenario modelling enables sustainable planning. This capacity building through reciprocal knowledge exchange outlines the ground for assessing climate risks on water resources and agricultural production and helps understanding climate induced migration patterns for a higher resilience towards regional climate variability.

Selected Ongoing Projects

  • ProGIRH Multisectoral Management of Water Resources in the Mantaro River Basin; 15.02.2023-31.12.2024; contact: F. Hattermann

Selected Finished Projects

  • B-EPICC-RD2 Klimakapazitätsvorsorge: Risikovorhersage und -Minimierung funded by BMUB; 01.01.2022-31.12.2023; contact: F. Hattermann & C. Gornott
  • Bolivia National climate risk analysis to identify and weight adaptation strategies for the water sector in Bolivia; funded by GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit; 15.10.2020 - 31.12.2021; contact: Fred Hattermann
  • CLIMSU Climate Impacts on Sugar; funded by Climate-KIC Schweiz; 01.09.2016-30.09.2017; contact: Christoph Gornott
  • EPICC-RD2 East Africa Peru India Climate Capacities: Co-production of user-oriented climate services to better adapt to climate change; funded by BMUB; 01.01.2018-31.08.2021; contact: Fred Hattermann
  • INNOVATE Interplay between the multiple use of water reservoirs via inNOVative coupling of substance cycles in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems; funded by BMBF, PT DLR; 01.01.2012-31.03.2017; contact Fred Hattermann
  • IRTG - RD2 International Research Training Group (IRTG): Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks: Fundamentals and Applications; funded by DFG; 01.10.2011-01.10.2011; contact: Jürgen Kurths
  • SUSA Sustainable land use-based alternatives in the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon; funded by BMU; 01.09.2014 - 31.12.2018; contact: Jürgen Kropp
  • WELTHUNGER-HILFE Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf nachhaltige Ernährungssicherheit in Peru, Kenia und Pakistan; funded by Welthungerhilfe; 01.06.2015 - 10.07.2015; contact: Stefan Liersch

Involved Working Groups (alphabetic order)

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