Our Work in the Region
Timber is a material of the future and can be used as a renewable substitute for various substances. The intensification of production in Germany needs to be seen through the lens of climate change scenarios and the provision of ecosystem services. Future projections of forest stands under different management scenarios build the bedrock for forestry, policy decisions and the bioeconomy in the near and intermediate future.
Climate change affects all sectors of the economy and in particular the tourism sector is highly dependent on season and weather conditions, and therefore very vulnerable. These challenges apply not only to the mountainous regions, but also to coastal areas and inland waters. Sustainable solutions, tools and adaptation options for regional tourism needs to be developed to ensure economic benefits in the future.
Germany, in particular Eastern Germany, is strongly affected by changing climate conditions with direct impacts on water availability, agricultural production as well as impacts on the health situation of the population. The agricultural sector is also highly exposed to changing climate conditions with respect to droughts and respective yield losses and failures. In addition, large parts of the population, in particular people living in the city, will suffer from heat waves leading to severe health problems and thus losses in labor productivity and increasing costs for health care.
Selected Ongoing Projects
- ABCDR Verbundprojekt CDR: Biophysikalische Potentiale von und skalenübergreifende Entscheidungsfindung zur Agroforstwirtschaft für CDR; funded by BMBF DLR; 01.08.2022-31.07.2025; contact: B. Bodirsky, C. Müller
- LOKONET Netzwerk Lokale Konflikte und Emotionen in Urbanen Räumen: Transdisziplinäre Konfliktforschung in Wissenschaft-Praxis-Kooperationen; funded by BMBF; 01.04.2022-31.03.2026; contact: F. Reusswig
- SpreeWasser:N Adaption an Wasser-Extremereignisse: Dürremanagement, integrierte Wasserbewirtschaftungskonzepte und verbesserte Wasserspeicherung in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg; funded by BMBF PTKA-WTE; 01.08.2022-31.07.2025; contact: H. Koch
- WaldSpektrum-RD2 Klimaplastische Wälder – Die Potenziale im natürlichen Spektrum erkennen und forstwirtschaftlich nutzen; funded by BMEL, PT FNR; 01.04.2022-31.03.2026; contact: C. Reyer
Selected Finished Projects
- DIFENs Waldentwicklung als Folge von Veränderung der Holznachfrage, Klimaveränderung, natürlichen Störungen und Politikanforderungen - Eine Analyse der Reaktionsmöglichkeiten von Forst- und Holzwirtschaft; funded by BMEL; 01.12.2021-30.11.2024; contact: M. Gutsch
- EXIMO-RD2 Sektorenübergreifende extreme Klimafolgen; funded by BMBF, PT DLR; 01.03.2020-30.09.2023; contact: C. Müller
- GESUND GEmüse für Schulen – UNtersuchung des Einflusses von Schulgärten in Deutschland auf die Ernährung; funded by BMBF, PT DLR; 01.06.2023-30.11.2023; contact A. Wendt