Research groups

Research on Climate Resilience is embedded in the overall PIK strategy. Climate impacts will affect the ability of societies to stay within the Planetary Boundaries, e.g. regarding sustainable freshwater use, land system change or biosphere integrity. Climate impacts will also provide new challenges for managing the Global Commons, like land, water and forests. Effective adaptation measures at different scales have to be assessed in the context of long-term Sustainable Development Pathways, integrating climate impacts, adaptation and mitigation.

Working groups

Climate Change and Health: Assessment of a range of climate impacts on human health, including adaptation options at different scales.

Land Biosphere Dynamics: Study of anthropogenic impacts on the land biosphere, focusing on climate change and management as core drivers of biogeochemical dynamics and land productivity.

Adaptation in Agricultural Systems: Development of an agricultural forecasting approach which provides information about crop yields and harvest levels. Study of the economic implications of climate change, e.g. related to food security, public health, and rural poverty.

Forest Ecosystem Resilience: Investigating how changing forest productivity, disturbances and management interact and influence forest resilience and the contribution of forests to a growing bioeconomy.

Hydroclimatic Risks: Cross-sectoral regional impact assessments to analyze sectoral feedbacks and conflicts, to support adaptation planning, and to improve societal resilience.

Urban Transformations: Implementation of innovative models on urban development to understand future transformations of cities, with a focus on resilience to climate change and sustainable urban livelihoods.


Land Use Transition: Providing knowledge on the role and limits of land use in transition scenarios balancing demands for ecosystem services and biosphere integrity.

Some of our research takes place in specific focus regions.