The web-portal

The goal of developing the educational portal was to reduce the accessibility barriers to the subject of climate change and its impacts on teachers and students. It enables teachers to better explain the complex relationship between climate change, its impacts on society and available adaptation options. The web-portal illustrates these effects in Germany down to the county level and provides first-hand research. This gives teachers and students the opportunity to explore scientific data on climate change in their region, which creates a strong regional connection. The rationale behind is to make the portal particularly interesting and practice-orientated because the consequences of climate change can be reconstructed for the personal living environment.

The educational web-portal is based on an existing tool ( which was launched in 2012 and developed for public sector decision-makers to show the impacts of climate change in Germany. The new educational portal was designed by applying feedback from more than 40 teacher workshops. The findings were incorporated into a less technical, more self-explanatory, tailored solution for the use in German schools. Today, the web-portal is suitable for interdisciplinary use in secondary and trade schools.

For the operation of the portal a tutorial and various handouts are available.