Here are the main questions that have been discussed:
1) What are the general adaptation mechanisms that provide coherence across scales [stand-landscape-continental] but still allow for regional granularity?
2) What information will FORMASAM scenarios need to provide? At which scale?
3) How will the models pick up this information?
4) How to define management options to match the stand, landscape and European-scale?
Agenda & List of participants
Welcome, Introduction to FORMASAM and overview of forest
management challenges in the 21st century by C. Reyer & MJ. Schelhaas
Climate Impact Analysis for Europe (how to adapt?, to what?, what are
challenges for specific regions? by M. Lindner
Climate Smart Forestry by H. Verkerk
UPM-Kymmene Perspective by T. Niemi
FORMIT management scenarios (content and development process) and EU management types by A. Mäkelä
Overview stand-scale models and existing efforts by C. Reyer & A. Mäkelä
Overview landscape-scale models and existing efforts by R. Seidl
Overview EU-scale models and existing efforts by A. Rammig
Perspective of local forest owner from Dutch Forest Owner Association by S. Wijdeven