University of Kassel and PIK collaborate to develop climate courses for Pakistani universities

05/07/2024 - Higher education can play a critical role in training future leaders, scientists and policymakers to address the pressing challenges of climate change. However, in many lower-income countries such as Pakistan there are gaps when it comes to climate education, in particular with regards to courses at the bachelor’s and master's level and from an interdisciplinary perspective. To address these shortcomings, a team from the University of Kassel and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research led by Prof. Dr. Christoph Gornott, along with Pakistani and international experts, developed six climate courses for Pakistani universities.
University of Kassel and PIK collaborate to develop climate courses for Pakistani universities
Source: PIK/UniKassel

The six courses cover a range of topics, including agriculture and food systems, ecosystem services, gender, governance, sustainable development and modelling, all with a focus on climate change. The topics were identified during workshops in Islamabad and Lahore in May 2023, ensuring they meet the specific needs and interests of Pakistani universities.

The newly developed courses were presented as part of two launch events in Islamabad and Lahore at the end of June, attracting around 100 participants from academia and research, based in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Islamabad. The events served as a platform not only for presenting the courses, but also for fostering critical discussions on how to improve them and how to strengthen the capacities of higher education professionals in Pakistan.

The project activities will continue in fall this year, with specific trainings planned for instructors of these courses. These trainings will cover a variety of topics, ranging from handling climate data to employing qualitative methods for the study of climate change.
