RD2@EGU 2023

24-27/04/2023 - The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world, providing a forum for scientists to present and discuss their research with peers. This years General Assembly took place from 24 to 27 April 2023 and featured several contributions by scientists from the Climate Resilience Department at PIK.
RD2@EGU 2023

Sabine Undorf from the Working Group 'Adaptation in Agricultural Systems' (AAS) was co-convener for the Session on  Attribution in climate (impact) science: From long-term trends to extreme events and impacts and joined an 'invitations only' event on Identifying Gaps in Attribution for the Next UK Climate Change Risk Assessment

From the working group 'Climate Change and Health', Asya Dimitrova gave a presentation "The burden of temperature-related stillbirths and neonatal deaths attributable to climate change – a global analysis across 29 Low- and Middle-income countries" during the session on "Attribution in climate (impact) science: From long-term trends to extreme events and impacts”

Other colleagues from the Adaptation in Agricultural Systems Working Group were also actively present at the EGU. Paula Romanovska gave a talk on Wheat yields in Kazakhstan can successfully be forecasted using a statistical crop model (with Bernhard Schauberger, and Christoph Gornott). Nele Gloy presented her work on Future climatic suitability of cocoa agroforestry systems with common fruit trees in Cameroon (with Paula Romanovska, Abel Chemura, and Christoph Gornott). Abel Chemura gave a presentation on Elucidating climate change adaptation potential of improved maize (Zea mays L.) varieties with crop modelling (with Ponraj Arumugum, Eresi Kutesa Awori, and Christoph Gornott) and finally, Rike Becker gave a PICO presentation on Effects of heat and drought stress and their co-occurrence on winter wheat yields in Germany under climate change (with Bernhard Schauberger, Ralf Merz, Stephan Schulz, and Christoph Gornott).

Furthermore, Qaisar Saddique, from the Working Group 'Hydroclimatic risks' gave a presentation on Using spatial crop modeling to improve the regional agricultural water planning and Tobias Conradt presented a poster on Impacts of the 2018–2019 Central European drought in North-Eastern Germany

The General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU2023) this year featured many contributions from RD2 scientists.