
RD 2 - Climate Resilience

Lisa Murken receives Hermann Eiselen Science Prize for excellent research

09/12/2024 - This year's prestigious Hermann Eiselen Science Award goes to Lisa Murken, a researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). In her work, the agricultural economist focuses on the complex relationships between land ownership and the ability of small farmers to adapt to climatic changes. The prize is awarded for outstanding scientific work whose findings contribute to improving the world's food supply.
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Congratulations Dr. Fernandez-Palomino!

02/09/2024 - Carlos Fernandez-Palomino successfully defended his PhD Thesis entitled: "Understanding Hydrological Dynamics in the Tropical Andes of Peru and Ecuador and Their Responses to Climate Change" at the University of Potsdam
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Research on climate resilient coffee featured in TV-documentary

06/08/2024 - At the beginning of 2024 our scientist Sophie von Loeben was accompanied to Uganda by a film team of the German national TV station ZDF to feature her research on innovative solutions for a climate-resilient future for coffee as part of their documentary series “planb”.
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PIK's activities at the Valencia Cities Climate Week

29/07/2024 - From June 25-28, 2024, PIK projects EUCityCalc and LOCALISED took part in the Valencia Cities Climate Week, a key event celebrating Valencia's status as the European Green Capital 2024. The week included several important gatherings such as the EUCityCalc Final Conference, the Energy Cities Annual Forum, and the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO). These events were organized by the City of Valencia in collaboration with the European Commission, Energy Cities, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, and NetZeroCities.
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Congratulations Dr. Romanovska!

10/07/2024 - Paula Romanovska successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Harnessing climate data to assess, anticipate and attribute climate impacts on agriculture" at the University of Kassel.
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New Brandenburg Climate Council chaired by Hermann Lotze-Campen

07/15/2024 - Hermann Lotze-Campen from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has been appointed chair of the new Brandenburg Scientific Climate Advisory Board. The 12-member committee will advise and support the state government in achieving its climate protection goals. The establishment of the Climate Advisory Board is part of the climate plan adopted by the state government in March 2024.
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University of Kassel and PIK collaborate to develop climate courses for Pakistani universities

05/07/2024 - Higher education can play a critical role in training future leaders, scientists and policymakers to address the pressing challenges of climate change. However, in many lower-income countries such as Pakistan there are gaps when it comes to climate education, in particular with regards to courses at the bachelor’s and master's level and from an interdisciplinary perspective. To address these shortcomings, a team from the University of Kassel and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research led by Prof. Dr. Christoph Gornott, along with Pakistani and international experts, developed six climate courses for Pakistani universities.
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From value-free to value-conscious: Report from the workshop “Identifying Value-Judgements in Climate Impact Science

21/06/2024 - The workshop "Identifying Value-Judgements in Climate Impact Science” brought together more than 40 climate scientists and philosophers at PIK to explore the presence and impact of value-laden assumptions and methodological choices within climate impact research.
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PIK meets Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour

12/06/2024 - The Climate Change and Health team at PIK invited a team of researchers from the Institute for Planetary Behavior (IPB) of the University of Erfurt to the historic location of the Telegraphy Hill for an exchange on planetary health and climate change.
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Paving the way for carbon pricing with green alternatives

06/17/2024 - The political success of climate change mitigation in Europe will depend on how well policy design enables consumers to switch from fossil fuels to clean green energy sources, researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK and Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz argue. To accept carbon pricing, citizens desire viable alternatives to fossil-fuel based options, the authors of a new Comment published in Nature Climate Change write. They suggest a new argument for how to understand the public’s response to carbon pricing and how to ensure successful climate policy.
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Before the next wave of heat protection

24/05/2024 - The German Minister of Health Prof. Karl Lauterbach hosted a conference on the progress towards an effective strategy to protect our health against heat stress. He invited experts from various areas of preventive healthcare to discuss progress made in science and business at the Ministry of Health in Berlin. Around 50 participants from various areas of preventive healthcare attended. The PIK was represented by Dr. Peter Hoffmann from the 'Hydrological Risks' Department of Research Department 2, Climate Resilience.
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Congratulation Dr. Maskell!

26/04/2024 - Gina Maskell successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "On the Use of Remote Sensing and Household Data to Track Progress on Autonomous Adaptation: Evidence in a Coffee Farming System" at the University of Kassel.
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UNDP and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) host stakeholder discussions on water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus in Turkmenistan and Central Asia

15/05/2024 - Researchers from the 'Hydrological Risks' team of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) held a joint workshop in Ashgabat on 14 May 2024 on "Strengthening Climate Resilience of the Water-energy-food-ecosystem Nexus in Turkmenistan and Central Asia".
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From ocean currents to the energy transition: thousands visit PIK for Potsdam Science Day

05/04/2024 - Under the motto "Research. Discover. Join in.", the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), together with the other Telegrafenberg institutes, hosted this year's Potsdam Science Day. On the first Saturday in May 6,200 interested visitors came to find out about the work of researchers at PIK at information stands, lectures and hands-on experiments in the sunshine and spring-like temperatures.
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Towards the next steps in climate impact research and ISIMIP4: ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop was a great success

22-26/04/2024 - From including adaptation to climate change in climate impact simulations to the road towards the next IPCC cycle - the cross-sectoral ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop covered a broad variety of topics and featured high-level discussion sessions on how to align future climate impact research with the IPCC timelines and ScenarioMIP process.
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RD2@EGU 2024

01/05/2024 - This year once more, the Climate Resilience team of PIK took the opportunity to present their recent findings at one of the world's greatest scientific events, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna. This year, the conference in Vienna attracted over 18,000 researchers from all over the world eager to discuss their research with peers.
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Successful training in Peru lead by Carlos Palomino Fernandez in the framework of the ProGIRH project

24-26/04/2024 - How can we tackle climate change and build a better future? To better answer this question the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the ProGIRH Project of the German Cooperation (GIZ) collaboratively organised the training workshop "Hydrological modeling and assessment of climate change impacts on water availability" at the National Water Authority (ANA) from April 24 to 26 in Lima, Peru.
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Climate Resilience team at internal medicine conference 'DGIM'

13-16/04/2024 - The 130th Conference of the German Society of Internal Medicine 'DGIM' in Bonn attracted a wide range of medical experts in the field. One of the focus points of the conference was 'climate crisis and health'. Prof. Hermann Lotze-Campen, Dr. Lisa Pörtner and other researchers from PIK presented their findings with posters and presentations on the topic.
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Girls' Day 2024 at PIK: Exciting insights into climate research

04/25/2024 - More than 15,000 options, around 135,000 spots available across Germany, more schoolgirls than ever before: this year's Girls' Day has set new records. At the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), 19 girls from Berlin and Brandenburg had the opportunity to take an exclusive look behind the scenes at the institute.
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Kick-Off KARO Project

19/04/2024 - In April, the research project KARO - Climate-resilient cultivation methods for risk optimisation with special consideration of the objectives of the arable farming strategy and its regional requirements - funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture was launched. The main objective of KARO is the region-specific further development of existing production systems in crop cultivation in their regional context in order to make them more resilient to climate change phenomena.
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PIK research among most cited papers in policy documents worldwide

04/19/2024 - Three research papers conducted by PIK director Johan Rockström are among the top ten most cited papers in policy documents. This is according to an analysis of data provided to the journal Nature.
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Digital ministers visit PIK

04/18/2024 - The digital ministers of the German federal states visited the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the other research institutes on the Telegrafenberg in the course of their constituent meeting. PIK Director Ottmar Edenhofer presented the work of PIK and provided insights into important research projects.
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13th German Climate Conference at Telegrafenberg in Potsdam

12-14/3/2024 - The previous year 2023 was the hottest year ever, while weather conditions are showing increasingly significant and influential changes. This year's 13th German Climate Conference at the Telegrafenberg in Potsdam therefore focused on adaptation and climate services, but also covered a wide range of topics from weather extremes to biodiversity and sustainability.
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Food System Economics Commission (FSEC) regional launches in India, Brazil, and China

12/03/2024 - Following the Global Launch in Berlin in January, the Food System Economics Commission (FSEC) teamed up with various partners to launch their regional analysis in India, Brazil, and China and discuss with regional experts the hidden costs of the food systems in these countries.
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Press Release

Food matters: Healthy diets increase the economic and physical feasibility of 1.5°C

03/28/2024 - A global shift to a healthier, more sustainable diet could be a huge lever to limit global warming to 1.5°C, researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) find. The resulting reduction of greenhouse gas emissions would increase the available carbon budget compatible with limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and allow to achieve the same climate outcome with less carbon dioxide removal and less stringent CO2 emissions reductions in the energy system. This would also reduce emission prices, energy prices and food expenditures.
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PIK kicks off new science collaboration with GIZ Rwanda and MeteoRwanda

20/03/2024 - To achieve a climate-resilient future, climate science plays a crucial role. In February, PIK scientists traveled to Rwanda to kick off the new project "High Resolution Climate and Agricultural Projections for Rwanda (HiClAP)”. The project is implemented on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Rwanda in collaboration with the Rwanda Meteorological Agency (MeteoRwanda). As part of the larger GIZ Rwanda NDC-Capacity Development project, this project aims to strengthen and support research cooperation in climate change science in order to provide evidence-based policy advice in Rwanda.
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Press Release

From knowledge to action: "10 Must Knows" as a guide to preserving biodiversity

03/25/2024 - From as yet undiscovered biodiversity to resilient forests and the impact of food consumption on nature: 64 experts have now published their knowledge and recommendations in the form of "10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science" for 2024. The Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity's new report provides policymakers and society with concrete ways to effectively conserve and sustainably use biodiversity at the local, national, and European levels and thereby also mitigate climate change. With this publication, the researchers contribute current scientific facts to the debate on the German National Biodiversity Strategy, which is to be adopted before the next United Nations Biodiversity Conference in autumn 2024.
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'Agricultural research on climate change' - Conference with keynote speech by Professor Hermann Lotze-Campen

14/03/2024 - Under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the conference "Agricultural Research and Climate Change" of the German Agricultural Research Alliance (DAFA) took place from 11-14 March 2024. The conference focused on the transformation of the agricultural and food sector, which is affected by climate change but also contributes to it. The potential of certain climate protection measures and how they can be realised through appropriate land management by 2030 was highlighted and discussed with more than 500 participants in Potsdam.
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Héctor Rodríguez-Chávez, Scientist at the Urban Transformations Group RD2, receives 'Mexicanos Distinguidos' award

10/03/2024 - Héctor Rodríguez-Chávez, Scientist at the Urban Transformations Group RD2, has been honoured with the "Mexicanos Distinguidos" award by the Instituto de las Mexicanas y los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME). This recognition celebrates the outstanding contributions of members of the Mexican community abroad who excel in their respective professional fields.
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Citizens' Assembly on nutrition recommends steps towards a more sustainable diet

02/21/2024 - Free lunches for children, conscious shopping made easy with a mandatory government label and a mandatory passing on of edible food by food retailers - these are three key recommendations from the German Parliament's first Citizens' Assembly "Nutrition in Transition". On 20 February 2024, the committee presented its proposals to the Bundestag. The Citizens' Assembly's Scientific Advisory Board, which includes Hermann Lotze-Campen, Head of the Department “Climate Resilience” at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK, analysed the results from their perspective.
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