Allianz Climate Risk Award for Rahel Laudien

01/12/2023 - Rahel Laudien, scientist and crop modeller at the 'Adaptation in Agricultural Systems' working group is one of 12 scientists receiving the 'Allianz Climate Risk Award' this year. The award honours early career scientists in the field of extreme weather events and climate change impacts for their innovative ideas towards sustainable resilience.
Allianz Climate Risk Award for Rahel Laudien
Source: R.Laudien

Rahel was awarded for her research on early warnings of yield losses to help combat (climate change enhanced) food insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa. With a mix of innovative crop yield forecasting, leveraging statistical methodologies and machine learning for data-scarce contexts, her research supports solutions for regional resilience.

The Allianz Climate Risk Award honours PhD candidates and Post-Doctoral researchers whose research focuses on reducing the impact of extreme weather events and fostering resilience by applying technological solutions. Every year, 12 essays are selected based on their excellence and impact as well as their innovative and applicable nature. The essays of the winning applicants can be found here.