'Acker-Festival' celebrates 10-year jubilee with two-day event

30/08/2024 - The social enterprise Acker e.V. celebrated its 10 -year anniversary on 29-30 August 2024 with two events in two days. The yearly 'AckerKonferenz' on 29 August featuring speeches of Minister Cem Özdemir and Prof. Hermann Lotze-Campen and the first ever 'Ackerfest', which invited all generation to join for workshops, games and other inspiring activities towards a sustainable future for all.
'Acker-Festival' celebrates 10-year jubilee with two-day event
Source: Kristian Barthen

The Acker Konferenz, aimed at stakeholders from science, education, (social) economy, agriculture and politics tries to find approaches for sustainable education and a future-proof food system. Inspiring presentations on the main stage were followed by interactive 'Deep Dive' sessions, opening up a space for discussions in smaller groups.

In a morning session on 'Transformation Conflicts, Professor Hermann Lotze-Campen (who actively supported the Gemüse-Ackerdemie and 'Acker e.V.' since his former doctoral student Dr. Christoph Schmitz founded Acker e.V.) and sociologist Professor Bernd Sommer discuss how an agricultural and food transformation can succeed and which social and political barriers need to be overcome to make it happen.

On the second day of the event during the 'Ackerfest', Hermann Lotze-Campen and farmer Marie Hoffmann were Julia Rackers' guests in the Live-Podcast of 'Auf'm Acker'. They discussed nutritional behaviour in relation to fruit and vegetables, growing food in your own garden and the future of agricultural production with just a few farm animals (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyOzv4HNp6M)

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