13th German Climate Conference at Telegrafenberg in Potsdam

12-14/3/2024 - The previous year 2023 was the hottest year ever, while weather conditions are showing increasingly significant and influential changes. This year's 13th German Climate Conference at the Telegrafenberg in Potsdam therefore focused on adaptation and climate services, but also covered a wide range of topics from weather extremes to biodiversity and sustainability.
13th German Climate Conference at Telegrafenberg in Potsdam
Source: PIK

The motto of the conference was "Climate connects", which was embraced by over 100 renowned scientists from all over the country with interesting contributions. Scientists from our "Climate Resilience" department co-organized several sessions. Sabine Undorf and her colleagues organized a session on the relatively new field of "Attribution and Extremes", in which they wanted to find out to what extent certain events can be directly linked to climate change. Christopher Reyer co-organized a session on "Environment, Biodiversity and Sustainability" and Fritz Reusswig co-convened a session on 'Climate change and society, climate services, people and health'. A full list of sessions covered can be found here.

The program was rounded off by an evening lecture by Prof. Johan Rockström (Director of PIK), a public discussion event with the participation of Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf (PIK) and an excursion to the new DWD headquarters in Potsdam.

Dr Peter Hoffmann (Scientist and Meteorologist at the Working Group Hydroclimatic Risks) was involved in the content and organization of the conference from the outset. His conclusion is consistently positive and his thanks go above all to the great commitment of the DMG Berlin-Brandenburg branch under the leadership of Prof. Henning Rust (FU Berlin).

In an interview with 'Radio eins', Dr. Hoffmann explains the content and relevance of this conference (in German).