
We are delighted to announce that the following key-note speakers have accepted our invitation: Dhanasree Jayaram, Gabriel Felbermayr, Yasuko Kameyama, Nicola Ranger,  Hans Joachim Schellnhuber and Marc Zebisch.

Please find below a short bio of our key note speakers.

Key-note speakers Name and short Bio


Dhanasree Jayaram

Dr. Dhanasree Jayaram is an Assistant Professor, Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, and Co-coordinator, Centre for Climate Studies, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Karnataka, India. Currently, she is based in Berlin as a Research Fellow at Centre Marc Bloch (CMB) and Guest Researcher at Freie Universität Berlin – under the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s International Climate Protection Fellowship 2022-23. She is also a Research Fellow, Earth System Governance; Research Fellow, Centre for Public Policy Research (Kochi, India); Member, Climate Security Expert Network; Member, Indo-Pacific Circle; and Member, Planet Politics Institute. She holds a PhD in Geopolitics and International Relations from MAHE. She received the Next Generation Foresight Practitioners (NGFP) - Security & Technology award in 2022. She pursued a visiting fellowship (Erasmus Mundus – short-term PhD) at Leiden University, the Netherlands during 2014-15; and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, under the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship during 2018-19. Her primary fields of interest include climate politics and diplomacy, environmental security and military, regional environmental policy in Asia, and environmental peacebuilding. She is the author of Breaking out of the Green House: Indian Leadership in Times of Environmental Change (2012) and Climate Diplomacy and Emerging Economies: India as a Case Study (2021). She has published articles in several peer-reviewed journals including International Politics, Nature Sustainability, Futures, Contemporary South Asia, Carbon & Climate Review, and Earth System Governance.


Gabriel Felbermayr

Gabriel Felbermayr has been Director of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) in Vienna and university professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) since 1 October 2021. Professor Gabriel Felbermayr, PhD, was born in June 1976 in Steyr, Austria. After studying Economics and Trade at the University of Linz, he went to Florence, Italy, to pursue his doctoral studies. From 2004 to 2005, he was an Associate Consultant with McKinsey & Co. in Vienna. From 2005 to 2008, he was Assistant Professor at the University of Tübingen. From 2009 to 2010, he held a chair in International Economics at the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart). From 2010 to 2019, he led the ifo Center for International Economics at the University of Munich, where he also served as a full professor in International Economics. From 2019 till September 2021 he was President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and held a chair in Economics and Economic Policy at Kiel University (CAU). Gabriel Felbermayr holds various roles and positions. The most important are: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Chairman of the Statistics Council of the Statistics Austria Federal Institute, Associate Editor of the "European Economic Review", Associate Editor of the "Journal of the European Economic Association". His research and consulting work focuses on issues of international trade theory and policy, labour market research, European economic integration, and current economic policy issues. He has published a large number of articles in international academic journals, policy briefs, and newspapers. His research has been recognised with several awards.


Hans Joachim Schellnhuber

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is Director Emeritus of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), which he founded in 1992. Since 2019, Schellnhuber has been focusing his scientific work and communication skills on the transformation of the built environment and specifically on the climate restoration potential of regenerative architecture. He is Founder and Managing Director of Bauhaus Earth and a member of the New European Bauhaus High-level roundtable. Schellnhuber is Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University (Beijing), and member of numerous learned societies such as the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the German National Academy Leopoldina, and the US National Academy of Sciences. He has published some 300 scientific articles & books in fundamental physics, complex systems analysis, climate-change research, sustainability science, and other fields. Schellnhuber is listed as a Highly Cited Researcher (Cross Field) by Clarivate.


Marc Zebisch

Marc Zebisch holds a PhD from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the TU-Berlin and has been researching with climate impact research and climate risk assessment for more than 15 years. At Eurac Research, he focuses on the impacts of climate change in South Tyrol and climate risks in other regions and mountain areas. He is the lead author of the Eurac Research Climate Report. Since 2005, he has been a key contributor to climate risk assessments for the Federal Republic of Germany, and is a member of the Climate Change and Adaptation Topic Center of the European Environment Agency (EEA-ETC_CCA), the Steering Committee of the Austrian Climate Research Program (ACRP), and the Climate Council of the Alpine Convention (ACB).


Nicola Ranger

Dr Nicola Ranger leads the Resilience and International Development programme of the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford and is Executive Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Systemic Resilience. She is co-Chair of the Global Resilience Index Initiative and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking of the Oxford Martin School. Nicola specialises in the integration of risk and sustainability within decision making and is passionate about the role of finance in sustainability, resilience and inclusive development. She has a particular interest in the management of complex risks, finance mobilisation and building systemic resilience. Prior to joining Oxford, Nicola held senior roles in the World Bank and DFID (now FCDO) to strengthen fiscal and financial resilience to climate and crises, mobilise finance for resilience and put in place local, national and international systems to strengthen resilience to shocks and crises. In 2017, Nicola established the Centre for Disaster Protection in the UK and in 2021-2023 was Director of Climate and Environmental Analytics at the Centre for Greening Finance and Investment. Nicola has a professional background in insurance and catastrophe risk modelling and has been involved in establishing insurance-based mechanisms, contingent financing and regional risk pools protecting multiple countries. Nicola began her career as a scientific adviser at HM Treasury and Defra and was the lead scientist on the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change. She completed her postdoctoral research in climate economics and policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science and holds a doctorate in Atmospheric Physics from Imperial College London.


Yasuko Kameyama

Yasuko Kameyama is Professor, and Center Director at the Sustainable Society Design Center, University of Tokyo. Before joining the University of Tokyo, she held multiple roles at the National Institute for Environmental Science (NIES) since 1992, most recently as the Director of Social Systems Division of NIES. Her expertise is international relations, particularly concerning international cooperation on climate change, as well as sustainability indicators, especially in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Among other honors, she is a Board member of Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies Japan, a Board member of Society of Environmental Science Japan, and a Member of the Science Council of Japan.

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