
Please find here the agenda of the conference.


The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine in conjunction with droughts and floods all over the world have demonstrated how strongly connected the world is. This can lead to devastating supply chain disruptions, agricultural price spikes and financial instability. Climate impacts in one location that propagate to other locations through trade and value chains, development and security policies, and financial systems, may have similarly disrupting effects. These effects are not easily represented in traditional analysis frameworks and need to be embedded in the wider context of social vulnerability and climate change. Moreover, we lack evidence on the effectiveness of response options to cross-border climate impacts that either focus on alleviating negative impacts, or allow harnessing benefits from positive impacts..

Aim of conference:

The aim of the conference is to bring together scientists across disciplines that work on approaches to better understand and respond/adapt to cross-border climate impacts and risks. The conference will present state-of-the-art knowledge on cross-border climate impacts and potential responses in the wider context of systemic risks and varying social vulnerabilities. The conference also seeks to identify knowledge gaps and directions for future research. Research presented in the conference will highlight what research needs arise from a consideration of cross-border climate impacts, how to design research that is actionable for decision-making or how to improve the monitoring of risks.

Conference format:

  • High-level plenary keynotes
  • Parallel presentation sessions
  • Panel discussions
  • Poster sessions
  • Display and networking area
  • Networking events
  • Conference language: English
  • No conference fees. Food and refreshments will be provided but hotel and travel costs can not be covered.
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