Welfare and Policy Design

Research Topics

Our research group aims to improve our understanding of the economics of climate change and climate policy as well as economic growth within planetary boundaries. Our research is based on three main pillars: normative foundations of climate policy, policy instruments and market failures, and political economy considerations.

In the area of normative foundations, we explore the fundamental welfare economic principles of environmental policy. This comprises, for example, the implications of economic growth on a finite planet, biodiversity concerns, and quantification of the social costs of carbon. 

Regarding policy instruments, our group focuses on understanding markets and market failures. We explore different policy instruments on reducing carbon emissions or removing carbon from the atmosphere with respect to their distributional effects and further welfare criteria. We also research the role of public debt, fiscal policy, and the decarbonization of the building sector. 

Finally, we complement this research with political economy considerations and seek to gain insights into feasible policy alternatives. Our analyses investigate power structures and social decision-making processes while taking into account policy preferences, habit formation, and behavioral and informational aspects.