Workshops on capacity building for climate migration research in forestry development

25/09/2023-26/09/2023: B-EPICC migration researcher Alec Thornton conducted two demand driven workshops focusing on research skill capacity building for climate migration research in forestry development.
Workshops on capacity building for climate migration research in forestry development
Participants of the workshops ©Alec Thornton

Dr Alec Thornton, researcher for the Migration portfolio for B-EPICC, conducted two workshops focusing on research skill capacity building for climate migration research in forestry development. On the 25th of September 2023, he talked about mixed methods in climate migration and forestry research and grant writing for cc-mig-for research and on 26th of September 2023 the topics were researcher profile building, publishing and networking.

The workshops address the capacity building needs as expressed by our key partners in the government agency Ethiopia Forest Development-Jimma Center (EFD-JC).

In addition to researchers at EFD-JC, other participants included stakeholder from Jimma University and guest speakers from the Center of International Forestry Development (CIFOR), where a recent study on climate migration and forestry was conducted in the SNNP region of Ethiopia.


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