Policy Brief: How does law and policy respond to climate-linked migration in Ethiopa - advances and continuing gaps

The B-EPICC migration team, in collaboration with colleagues from the HABITABLE Project, have just had a policy brief published with the International Organization for Migration's (IOM) Environmental Migration Portal.
Policy Brief: How does law and policy respond to climate-linked migration in Ethiopa - advances and continuing gaps

The joined B-EPICC and HABITABLE policy brief published with the IOM Environmental Migration Portal looks at the links between climatic change and human mobility in Ethiopia, a country at the forefront of the human impacts of climate change. The brief focuses on advances concerning relevant law and policy developments - in the areas of migration management, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, etc. - and notes progress as well as areas ripe for future developments. A look at regional developments with relevance to Ethiopia is also included. The policy brief is due to be followed soon by a fuller Assessment Report looking at how climatic change is occuring in Ethiopia - now and into the future, and the impacts this has on human livelihoods, human development, migration, as well as conflict.


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