B-EPICC Final Workshop: Strengthening Resilience Against Climate Change in Peru

13/11/2023: In November 2023, the B-EPICC project team traveled to Lima to conduct a final project workshop with the Peruvian project partners and relevant stakeholders, as the project ends in May 2024.
B-EPICC Final Workshop: Strengthening Resilience Against Climate Change in Peru
Group picture at the workshop ©B-EPICCManagement

The main aim of the event was, on the one hand, the presentation and discussion of the extensive research work and project results as well as their application, especially with regard to forecast and impacts of El Niño and climate services in the areas of biodiversity/forest and water/hydrology, which were elaborated in intensive collaboration with the Peruvian project partners. On the other hand, existing collaborations that go beyond the B-EPICC project, such as the ProGIRH project with GIZ Peru, were presented and an exchange of knowledge for networking and discussing of future collaborations was promoted.

The event was opened by Ms. Andrea Kambergs, B-EPICC project coordinator, Ms. Berioska Quispe Estrada, Director of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation at the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification of the Minister of the Environment of Peru, and Ms. Kristin Blumenröther, Second Secretary, Economy and Cooperation at the German Embassy in Lima.

In recent years, the B-EPICC project and its researchers have contributed to more reliable long-term El Niño forecasting, developed a novel high-resolution gridded precipitation data set for hydrological modelling of Peruvian (and Ecuadorian) watersheds (RAIN4PE), and made major inroads in evidencing how climate change affects human migration and displacement in Peru, as well as how to respond to this.

Peru has been a partner country to the project since its commencement in 2018 and the project has vital links in Peru with the national Ministry for the Environment (MINAM), the National Water Authority (ANA), the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and individual researchers and policy makers.

The B-EPICC project is t is funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), implemented by the Federal Foreign Office (AA).


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