Here you can find some of the presentations given at the workshop:
Welcome & workshop introduction by Ottmar Edenhofer & Elmar Kriegler (PIK)
Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change: Reflections and Modest Proposals for LInking Empirical Approaches and IAMs by Ian Sue Wing (Boston University)
Recent empirical evidence on climate damages by Marshall Burke (Stanford University)
ifo GAME Database of natural hazards by Gabriel Felbermayr (ifo)
Deriving empirically based damage functions for integrated assessment models by Tobias Geiger (PIK)
Shock Waves - Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty by Stéphane Hallegatte (World Bank)
The economic consequences of climate change by Rob Dellink (OECD)
Climate change around the world by Per Krusell (Stockholm University)
Climate change impacts on the production factor land and implications for growth by Dominique van der Mensbrugghe (GTAP, Purdue University)
Knowing the damages is not enough: The general equilibrium impacts of climate change by Matthias Kalkuhl (MCC)
Comparative analysis of climate change impact channels on economic growth by Franziska Piontek (PIK)