Hothouse Earth paper most impactful climate reseach article and German word-of-the-year of 2018

Hothouse Earth paper most impactful climate reseach article and German word-of-the-year of 2018

The copan-co-contributed paper on Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene (frequently named as "hothouse Earth" paper) has been ranked as the most impactful climate research article of the year 2018 by Altmetric and Carbon Brief.

"The paper was the fifth most talked-about of all journal papers published last year. It was the subject of 460 news stories in 326 outlets, including the Guardian, BBC News, Sky News, New Scientist, Al Jazeera and the Sydney Morning Herald. Links to the paper were also  included in 5,392 tweets and 34 Facebook posts." (Source: Carbon Brief)

On top of that, the German word for "hothouse Earth", Heißzeit, was voted as word of the year 2018 by the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (Society for the German Language).

PIK news release on climate paper impact ranking

Paper reference

W. Steffen, J. Rockström, K. Richardson, T.M. Lenton, C. Folke, D. Liverman, C.P. Summerhayes, A.D. Barnosky, S.E. Cornell, M. Crucifix, J.F. Donges, I. Fetzer, S.J. Lade, M. Scheffer, R. Winkelmann, and H.J. Schellnhuber,
Trajectories of the Earth system in the Anthropocene,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2018),
, SRC press release.

Further media impact

Paper featuring potential cascading domino effects of Earth system tipping elements with broad meadia impact, e.g.: Tagesschau (from minute 1.30), Süddeutsche Zeitung, FAZ, RBB Aktuell, Spiegel Online, Tagesthemen from minute 10), BBC, Economic Times (India).

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