Links to other internal/external projects, groups, institutions, networks

- Earth Resilience and Sustainability Initiative by Princeton University, Stockholm Resilience Centre and PIK
- Princeton-Humboldt Cooperation and Collective Cognition Network (CoCCoN) (2016-2019)
- The Earth League
- Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Changing Planet Research Cluster, Stockholm, Sweden
- NetOfNet flagship (RD IV)
- OPEN flagship (RD I)
- IRTG 1740
- LINC (Learning about Interacting Networks in Climate)
- CoSy-CC2 project (RD IV)
- Policy Instruments Group (RD III)
- AnthrOIA flagship (RD I)
- METAB flagship (RD IV)
- Global adaptation strategies (RD III)
- Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Netherlands
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Australian National University, Australia
- Stordalen Foundation, Norway
- Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena
- IRI THESys, Humboldt University, Berlin
- Open Sesame Blog on Open Social Ecological Systems and Modelling by James Dyke, Southampton