Model description papers
Here is a special issue for LPJmL development papers (in GMD so far only).
this is the nitrogen version LPJmL 5.0
von Bloh W, Schaphoff S, Müller C, Rolinski S, Waha K, and Zaehle S. 2018, Implementing the nitrogen cycle into the dynamic global vegetation, hydrology, and crop growth model LPJmL (version 5.0), Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2789-2812, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-2789-2018.
this is the comprehensive Model description paper for LPJmL version 4.0
Schaphoff S, von Bloh W, Rammig A, Thonicke K, Biemans H, Forkel M, Gerten D, Heinke J, Jägermeyr J, Knauer J, Langerwisch F, Lucht W, Müller C, Rolinski S, and Waha K. 2018, LPJmL4 – a dynamic global vegetation model with managed land – Part 1: Model description, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 1343-1375, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-1343-2018.
and the corresponding evaluation paper
Schaphoff S, Forkel M, Müller C, Knauer J, von Bloh W, Gerten D, Jägermeyr J, Lucht W, Rammig A, Thonicke K, and Waha K. 2018, LPJmL4 – a dynamic global vegetation model with managed land – Part 2: Model evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 1377-1403, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-1377-2018.
this is the original LPJmL paper
Bondeau, A., Smith, P., Zaehle, S., Schaphoff, S., Lucht, W., Cramer, W., Gerten, D., Lotze-Campen, H., Müller, C., Reichstein, M., Smith, B. 2007. Modelling the role of agriculture for the 20th century global terrestrial carbon balance. Global Change Biology 13, 679–706.
this is the original LPJ paper
Sitch S, Smith B, Prentice IC, Arneth A, Bondeau A, Cramer W, Kaplan J, Levis S, Lucht, W, Sykes M, Thonicke K, Venevsky S 2003. Evaluation of ecosystem dynamics, plant geography and terrestrial carbon cycling in the LPJ Dynamic Vegetation Model. Global Change Biology 9: 161–185
Model feature descriptions
description of the tillage routines:
Lutz F, Herzfeld T, Heinke J, Rolinski S, Schaphoff S, von Bloh W, Stoorvogel JJ, and Müller C. 2019, Simulating the effect of tillage practices with the global ecosystem model LPJmL (version 5.0-tillage), Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 2419-2440, doi: 10.5194/gmd-12-2419-2019.
description of the water routing scheme:
Rost, S., Gerten, D., Bondeau, A., Lucht, W., Rohwer, J., Schaphoff, S. 2008: Agricultural green and blue water consumption and its influence on the global water system. Water Resources Research 44, W09405, doi:10.1029/2007WR006331.
and the technical implementation:
von Bloh, W., Rost, S., Gerten, D., Lucht, W. 2010. Efficient parallelization of a dynamical global vegetation model with river routing. Environ. Model. Softw. 25, 685–690.
this is the permafrost and soil hydrology paper:
Schaphoff, S., Heyder, U., Ostberg, S., Gerten, D., Heinke, J., Lucht, W. 2013. Contribution of permafrost soils to the global carbon budget. Environ. Res. Lett. 8, 014026.
this is the bioenergy paper:
Beringer T, Lucht W, Schaphoff S 2011. Bioenergy production potential of global biomass plantations under environmental and agricultural constraints. Glob. Change Biol. Bioen. 3, 299-312.
this is the SPITFIRE paper:
Thonicke K, Spessa A, Prentice IC, Harrison SP, Dong L & Carmona-Moreno C 2010. The influence of vegetation, fire spread and fire behaviour on biomass burning and trace gas emissions: results from a process-based model. Biogeoscience 7(6):1991-2011
this is the sowing date paper:
Waha K, van Bussel LGJ, Müller C, Bondeau A (2012): Climate-driven simulation of global crop sowing dates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21,2, pp. 247-259, doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00678.x
Key model application papers
planetary boundaries
Gerten D, Heck V, Jägermeyr J et al. 2020: Feeding ten billion people is possible within four terrestrial planetary boundaries. Nature Sust., doi:10.1038/s41893-019-0465-1.
Heck V, Gerten D, Luch, W, Popp A 2018: Biomass-based negative emissions difficult to reconcile with planetary boundaries. Nature Clim. Change 8, 151–155.
climate impacts on crops
Müller C, Robertson R (2014): Projecting future crop productivity for global economic modeling. Agricultural Economics, 45, 1, 37-50, doi:10.1111/agec.12088
climate impacts on freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems
Gerten, D., Lucht, W., Ostberg, S., Heinke, J., Kowarsch, M., Kreft, H., Kundzewicz, Z.W., Rastgooy, J., Warren, R., Schellnhuber, H.J. 2013: Asynchronous exposure to global warming: freshwater resources and terrestrial ecosystems. Environ. Res. Lett. 8, 034032.
adaptation options in cropping systems
Jägermeyr J, Pasto, A, Biemans H, Gerten D 2017: Reconciling irrigated food production with environmental flows for Sustainable Development Goals implementation. Nature Commun. 8, 15900.
Waha K, Müller C, Bondeau A, Dietrich JP, Kurukulasuriya P, Heinke J, Lotze-Campen H (2013): Adaptation to climate change through the choice of cropping system and sowing date in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Environmental Change, 32,1, 130-143, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2012.11.001
virtual water content and current crop type implementation incl. calibration procedure
Fader, M., Rost, S., Müller, C., Bondeau, A., Gerten, D. 2010. Virtual water content of temperate cereals and maize: Present and potential future patterns. J. Hydrol. 384, 218–231.