PIK at the Chaos Communication Congress rC3
12/23/2020 - This year everything is different. The legendary Chaos Communication Congress is taking place remotely this year due to Corona - but experts from ...
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Another post in EGU's blog on Cryospheric Sciences
12/04/2020 - Julius Garbe explains why history is important when studying the dynamics of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and what hysteresis behaviour is.
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Post in EGU's blog on Cryospheric Sciences
11/13/2020 - Ronja Reese published together with Dave Chandler a post of EGU's blog on Cryospheric Sciences about tipping points in Antarctica
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Ice loss due to warming leads to warming due to ice loss: a vicious circle
10/27/2020 - The loss of huge ice masses can contribute to the warming that is causing this loss and further risks. A new study now quantifies this feedback by ...
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New study on the sensitivity of ice loss due to flow law parameters uncertainty
10/27/2020 - Today a new study by ice group got published in The Cryosphere
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Online workshop with working group from GEUS
10/21/2020 - The ICE group participated in an informal online workshop with working group from Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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Paper "The hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet" published today and on Nature front cover
09/24/2020 - Our paper "The hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet" was published today and made it to the front cover of Nature!
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Stability Check on Antarctica Reveals High Risk for Long-Term Sea-Level Rise
09/23/2020 - The warmer it gets, the faster Antarctica loses ice – and much of it will then be gone forever. Consequences for the world’s coastal cities and ...
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Greta Thunberg at PIK
08/22/2020 - ICE group leader Ricarda Winkelmann meets Greta Thunberg at PIK.
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FRISP meeting 2020
06/25/2020 - The ICE group hosted the FRISP meeting 2020 as virtual event with more than 100 participants worldwide
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