PIK experts at the intersessional climate conference in Bonn
11/05/2018 - In the run-up to this year´s UN climate conference in Katowice in Poland, about 3000 experts and observers met in Bonn to discuss how to implement ...
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Bankers, UN and scientists help assess climate risks for finance
04/26/2018 - Together, 16 banks, the United Nations, business consultants and scientists produced first guidance to help the financial industry become more ...
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Stock-take 2018: Rapid emissions reductions would keep CO2 removal and costs in check
03/29/2018 - Rapid greenhouse-gas emissions reductions are needed if governments want to keep in check both the costs of the transition towards climate ...
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Enhanced weathering of rocks can help to suck CO2 out of the air – a little
03/06/2018 - Weathering of huge amounts of tiny rocks could be a means to reduce the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While this is normally a slow natural ...
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Coal phase-out: Announcing CO2-pricing triggers divestment
01/29/2018 - Putting the Paris climate agreement into practice will trigger opposed reactions by investors on the one hand and fossil fuel owners on the other ...
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Coalition-building for pricing CO2 could make sense even for egoistic countries
02/26/2018 - Even countries that tend to act in an egoistic way in the long run have an incentive to participate in international climate stabilization ...
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PIK Research Days: “Keep digging in your pockets”
02/23/2018 - Scientists and staff of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) gathered this week for their annual roadshow of scientific ...
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Sea-level legacy: 20cm more rise by 2300 for each 5-year delay in peaking emissions
02/20/2018 - Peaking global CO2 emissions as soon as possible is crucial for limiting the risks of sea-level rise, even if global warming is limited to well ...
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