Monsoon forecasting for improved climate resilience in Sri Lanka
19/02/2019 - Monsoon prediction specialist Elena Surovyatkina from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) recently visited Sri Lanka on ...
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Dr. Niklas Boers
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Time series networks: “Transforming messy big data into something comprehensible”
04/02/2019 - A first in-depth review of time series networks has now been published by an international team of scientists in Physics Reports, one of the ...
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PIK is the world's most influential climate think tank - Edenhofer, Schellnhuber, Rahmstorf are among most important German-speaking intellectuals
01/02/2019 - The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is the world's most influential environmental policy think tank, as the "Global Go To ...
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The living lab experiment "Climate-Neutral Living in Berlin" takes stock: Everyone can contribute to climate stabilization, but without politics it won’t succeed
31/01/2019 - "Climate-Neutral Living in Berlin" – for one year, more than 100 Berlin households have tried to shift to a more climate-friendly everyday life, ...
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Rainfall extremes are connected across continents: Nature study
31.01.2019 - Extreme rainfall events in one city or region are connected to the same kind of events thousands of kilometers away, an international team of ...
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Call for Abstracts: Conference on Socio-Economic Metabolism organized by PIK
21/01/2019 - This year's Conference of the Socio-Economic Metabolism Section (SEM) of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE), founded by the ...
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Planetary Waves drive South America’s Monsoon rains
12/20/2018 - Monsoon rainfall in South America is to a large extent driven by huge airstreams high up in the atmosphere, a new study finds. Using innovative ...
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Ten PIK researchers among the most influential scientists in the world
29/11/2018 - Ten scientists, coming from different research domains from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) are among the most highly ...
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Planet at risk of heading towards irreversible “Hothouse Earth” state
06/08/2018 - Keeping global warming to within 1.5-2°C may be more difficult than previously assessed. An international team of scientists has published a study ...
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