
Komplexe Netzwerke, Maschinelles Lernen & Entscheidungstheorie
Woodward, F.I., Cramer, W.P., Emanuel, W.R., Martin, Ph. Parton, Prentice, I.C., Smith, T.M., Steffen, W.L. (1994): Developing a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) - Climatic Change
Ganopolski, A., Boer, G.J. (1994): Multilayer Isopycnal Ocean Model for Climate Simulation - Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, WMO ICSU World Climate and WMO Weather Pre
Ganopolski, A.V., Jonas, M., Krabec, J., Olendrzynski, K. Petoukhov, Venevsky, S. (1994): IIASA's Climate-Vegetation-Biogeochemical Cycle Module as a Part of an Integrated Model for Climate Change - IIASA's Climate-Vegetation-Biogeochemical Cycle Module as a Part of an Integrated Model for Climate Change
Fischer, A., Cabot, F. (1994): Seasonal behavior of crop canopies: Linkage of functional models and radiosity - Seasonal behavior of crop canopies: Linkage of functional models and radiosity
Toth, F., Nakicenovic, N., Nordhaus, W.D., Richels, R., Toth, F. (1994): Practice and Progress in Integrated Assessments of Climate Change: A Review - Practice and Progress in Integrated Assessments of Climate Change: A Review, Integrative Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change
Cramer, W.P. (1994): Using plant functional types in a global vegetation model - Using plant functional types in a global vegetation model, PIK Reports ; 03
Jonas, M., Ganopolski, A.V., Krabec, J., Olendrzynski, K. Petoukhov (1994): A Relationship between Regional and Global GCM Surface Air Temperature Changes and its Application to an Integrated Model of Climate Change - A Relationship between Regional and Global GCM Surface Air Temperature Changes and its Application to an Integrated Model of Climate Change
Bugmann, H., Fischlin, A., Beniston, M. (1994): Comparing the Behaviour of Mountainous Forest Succession Models in a Changing Climate - Comparing the Behaviour of Mountainous Forest Succession Models in a Changing Climate, Mountain Environments in Changing Climates
Fernandez, E., Eldred, W. D., Ammermüller, J., Block, A., von Bloh, Werner, Kolb, H. (1994): Complexity and scaling properties of amacrine, ganglion, horizontal, and bipolar cells in the turtle retina - Journal of Comparative Neurology
Krysanova, Valentina, Kaganovich, I., Jansson, A.-M., Folke, C., Constanza, R. (1994): Modelling of Ecological and Economic Systems at the Watershed Scale for Sustainable Development - Investing in natural capital: The ecological economic perspective, Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economic Perspective
Fischer, A., Kergoat, L., Mougin, E., Guyot, G. (1994): Understanding the ecosystem dynamic behavior. What is the potential for satellite data assimilation into functional models? - Understanding the ecosystem dynamic behavior. What is the potential for satellite data assimilation into functional models?
Kappertz, P., Andrade, R.F.S., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (1994): Electronic States on a Fractal: Inverse-Iteration Method - Physical Review B
Petoukhov, V., Ganopolski, A. (1994): A Set of Climate Models for Integrated Modelling of Climate Impacts, Part II: A 2.5-Dimensional Dynamical-Statistical Climate Model - A Set of Climate Models for Integrated Modelling of Climate Impacts, Part II: A 2.5-Dimensional Dynamical-Statistical Climate Model
Werner, P.C., Böhm, U., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Brazdil, R. (1994): Methods and Problems of Validation of Results of Different Climate Model Types at a Regional Scale. - Methods and Problems of Validation of Results of Different Climate Model Types at a Regional Scale., Contemporary Climatology
Moulin, S., Fischer, A., Del,colle, R., Guyot, G (1994): Assimilation of satellite measurements in short wavelengths into production model. Test of several radiative transfer models - Assimilation of satellite measurements in short wavelengths into production model. Test of several radiative transfer models
Toth, F.L. (1993): From no-man's land to a congested paradise: An environmental history of mauritius - From no-man's land to a congested paradise: An environmental history of mauritius, WP-93-27
Grote, R. (1993): Physiologische Reaktionen an Altfichten (picea abies (L.) Karst,) unter Trockenstressbedingungen im Solling - Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme der Universität Göttingen, , Reihe A, 103
Prentice, I.C., Sykes, M.T., Cramer, W. (1993): A simulation model for the transient effects of climate change on forest landscapes - Ecological Modelling
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Urbschat, H., Doebner, H.D., Scherer, W., Schroeck jun., F. (1993): Linearizing a Nonlinear Paradigm - Linearizing a Nonlinear Paradigm, Classical and Quantum Systems: Foundations and Symmetries
Duinker, P.N., Nilsson, S., Toth, F.L. (1993): Testing the 'policy exercise' in studies of Europe's forest sector: Methodological reflections on a bittersweet experience - Testing the 'policy exercise' in studies of Europe's forest sector: Methodological reflections on a bittersweet experience, WP-93-23
Jonas, M., Ganopolski, A.V., Krabec, J., Olendrzynski, K. Petoukhov (1993): A Set of Climate Models for Integrated Modelling of Climate Change Impacts, Part I: Introduction and Overview - A 2- Dimensional Zonal Climate Model - A Projected Application to European Forests - A Set of Climate Models for Integrated Modelling of Climate Change Impacts, Part I: Introduction and Overview - A 2- Dimensional Zonal Climate Model - A Projected Application to European Forests
Kratz, W., Becker, A., Lütkemeier, S. (1993): Das Internationale Geosphären-Biosphären Programm (IGBP): Entwicklung, Status und Aspekt für die land- und forstwirtschaftliche Forschung - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft
Moulin, S., Fischer, A. (1993): Simulation of the temporal variations of NOAA/AVHRR reflectances. Coupling of functional model and satellite data - Simulation of the temporal variations of NOAA/AVHRR reflectances. Coupling of functional model and satellite data
Ulbrich, U., Bürger, G., Schriewer, D., v. Storch, H., Schmitz, G. (1993): The Effect of a Regional Increase in Ocean Surface Roughness on the Tropospheric Circulation: A GCM Experiment - Climate Dynamics
Krysanova, Valentina, Tenno, K., Punning, J.M., Hult, J. (1993): Development of a cost-effective strategy for eutrophication control by means of watershed modeling - Development of a cost-effective strategy for eutrophication control by means of watershed modeling, Human impact on environment
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Seyler, A. (1992): Fractional Differentiation of Devil's Staircases - Physica A
Prentice, I.C., Cramer, W., Harrison, S.P., Leemans, R. Monserud, Solomon, A.M. (1992): A global biome model based on plant physiology and dominance soil properties and climate - Journal of Biogeography
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