
Publikationen sind eines der wichtigsten Produkte des PIK. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie unsere neuesten Arbeiten und weitere Informationen
Fei, Chengcheng, Jägermeyr, Jonas, McCarl, Bruce, Contreras, Erik Mencos, Mutter, Carolyn, Phillips, Meridel, Ruane, Alex C., Sarofim, Marcus C., Schultz, Peter, Vargo, Amanda (2023): Future climate change impacts on U.S. agricultural yields, production, and market - Anthropocene
Mogge, Lukas, McDonald, Morag, Knoth, Christian, Teickner, Henning, Purevtseren, Myagmartseren, Pebesma, Edzer, Kraehnert, Kati (2023): Allocation of humanitarian aid after a weather disaster - World Development
Wang, Deli, Pei, Haiqing, Yao, Jitao, Xu, Wei, Kurths, Jürgen (2023): Memory feedback signals in nonlinear coupled pitch-roll ship motions under narrow-band stochastic excitations - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Yangouliba, Gnibga Issoufou, Zoungrana, Benewindé Jean-Bosco, Hackman, Kwame Oppong, Koch, Hagen, Liersch, Stefan, Sintondji, Luc Ollivier, Dipama, Jean-Marie, Kwawuvi, Daniel, Ouedraogo, Valentin, Yabré, Sadraki, Bonkoungou, Benjamin, Sougué, Madou, Gadiaga, Aliou, Koffi, Bérenger (2023): Modelling past and future land use and land cover dynamics in the Nakambe River Basin, West Africa - Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
Ruhnau, Oliver, Stiewe, Clemens, Müßel, Jarusch, Hirth, Lion (2023): Natural gas savings in Germany during the 2022 energy crisis - Nature Energy
Cheek, Jennifer Zavaleta, Lambrecht, Nathalie, den Braber, Bowy, Akanchha, Nirali, Govindarajulu, Dhanapal, Jones, Andrew D., Chhatre, Ashwini, Rasmussen, Laura Vang (2023): Wild foods contribute to women’s higher dietary diversity in India - Nature Food
Hornberg, Claudia, Kemfert, Claudia, Dornack, Christina, Köck, Wolfgang, Lucht, Wolfgang, Settele, Josef, Töller, Annette E. (2023): Stellungnahme zur Novelle des Klimaschutzgesetzes
Sambou, Mame Henriette Astou, Liersch, Stefan, Koch, Hagen, Vissin, Expédit Wilfrid, Albergel, Jean, Sane, Moussé Landing (2023): Synergies and Trade-Offs in Water Resources Management in the Bafing Watershed under Climate Change - Water
Marwan, Norbert, Braun, Tobias (2023): Power spectral estimate for discrete data - Chaos
Moreno-Parada, Daniel, Alvarez-Solas, Jorge, Blasco, Javier, Montoya, Marisa, Robinson, Alexander (2023): Simulating the Laurentide Ice Sheet of the Last Glacial Maximum - The Cryosphere
Kotz, Maximilian, Kuik, Friderike, Lis, Eliza, Nickel, Christiane (2023): The impact of global warming on inflation: averages, seasonality and extremes - ECB Working Paper Series
Chuvieco, E., Yebra, M., Martino, S., Thonicke, Kirsten, Gomez-Gimenez, M., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., Oom, D., Velea, R., Mouillot, F., Molina, J. R., Miranda, A. I., Lopes, D., Salis, M., Bugaric, M., Sofiev, M., Kadantsev, E., Gitas, I. Z., Stavrakoudis, D., Eftychidis, G., Bar-Massada, A., Neidermeier, A., Pampanoni, V., Pettinari, M. L., Arrogante-Funes, F., Ochoa, C., Moreira, B., Viegas, D. (2023): Towards an Integrated Approach to Wildfire Risk Assessment: When, Where, What and How May the Landscapes Burn - Fire
Ji, Peng, Ye, Jiachen, Mu, Yu, Lin, Wei, Tian, Yang, Hens, Chittaranjan, Perc, Matjaž, Tang, Yang, Sun, Jie, Kurths, Jürgen (2023): Signal propagation in complex networks - Physics Reports
Riechers, Keno, Rydin Gorjão, Leonardo, Hassanibesheli, Forough, Lind, Pedro G., Witthaut, Dirk, Boers, Niklas (2023): Stable stadial and interstadial states of the last glacial's climate identified in a combined stable water isotope and dust record from Greenland - Earth System Dynamics
von Jeetze, Patrick José, Weindl, Isabelle, Johnson, Justin Andrew, Borrelli, Pasquale, Panagos, Panos, Molina Bacca, Edna J., Karstens, Kristine, Humpenöder, Florian, Dietrich, Jan Philipp, Minoli, Sara, Müller, Christoph, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander (2023): Projected landscape-scale repercussions of global action for climate and biodiversity protection - Nature Communications
Jin, Liya, Ganopolski, Andrey, Willeit, Matteo, Lu, Huayu, Chen, Fahu, Zhang, Xiaojian (2023): Decoupled orbital-scale variability of late Pleistocene-Holocene monsoonal circulation and rainfall in East Asia - Science Bulletin
Warszawski, Lila, Kriegler, Elmar, Lenton, Timothy M., Gaffney, Owen, Jacob, Daniela, Klingenfeld, Daniel, Koide, Ryu, Máñez Costa, María, Messner, Dirk, Nakicenovic, Nebojsa, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schlosser, Peter, Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, van der Leeuw, Sander, Whiteman, Gail, Rockström, Johan (2023): Corrigendum: All options, not silver bullets, needed to limit global warming to 1.5 °C: a scenario appraisal (2021 Environ. Res. Lett.16 064037) - Environmental Research Letters
Heinke, Jens, Rolinski, Susanne, Müller, Christoph (2023): Modelling the role of livestock grazing in C and N cycling in grasslands with LPJmL5.0-grazing - Geoscientific Model Development
Shajan, Emilda , Ghosh, Dibakar , Kurths, Jürgen, Shrimali, Manish Dev (2023): Direction-dependent noise-induced synchronization in mobile oscillators - Chaos
Bunde, Armin, Havlin, Shlomo, Ludescher, Josef (2023): On the Spreading of Epidemics and Percolation Theory - Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society
Malmierca-Vallet, Irene, Sime, Louise C., Abe-Ouchi, A., Born, A., Bouttes, N., DItlevsen, P., Erb, M. P., Feulner, Georg, Gowan, E. J., Gregoire, L., Guo, C., Harrison, S. P., Andres, H., Kageyama, M., Klockmann, M., Lambert, F., LeGrande, A. N., Merkel, U., Nazarenko, L. S., Nisancioglu, K. H., Oliver, K., Otto-Bliesner, B., Peltier, W. R., Prange, M., Rehfeld, K., Robinson, A. J., Tarasov, L., Valdes, P. J., Vettoretti, G., Weitzel, N., Zhang, Q., Zhang, X. (2023): Dansgaard–Oeschger events in climate models: review and baseline Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) protocol - Climate of the Past
Rousi, Eftychia, Fink, A., Andersen, Lauren, Becker, F., Beobide-Arsuaga, G., Breil, M., Cozzi, G., Heinke, Jens, Jach, L., Niermann, D., Petrovic, D., Richling, A., Riebold, J., Steidl, S., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Tradowsky, J., Coumou, Dim, Düsterhus, A., Ellsäßer, F., Fragkoulidis, G., Gliksman, D., Handorf, D., Haustein, K., Kornhuber, Kai, Kunstmann, H., Pinto, J.G., Warrach-Sagi, K., Xoplaki, E. (2023): The extremely hot and dry 2018 summer in central and northern Europe from a multi-faceted weather and climate perspective - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Luo, Ning, Meng, Qingfeng, Feng, Puyu, Qu, Ziren, Yu, Yonghong, Liu, De Li, Müller, Christoph, Wang, Pu (2023): China can be self-sufficient in maize production by 2030 with optimal crop management - Nature Communications
Bauer, Nicolas, Keller, David P., Garbe, Julius, Karstens, Kristine, Piontek, Franziska, von Bloh, Werner, Thiery, Wim, Zeitz, Maria, Mengel, Matthias, Strefler, Jessica, Thonicke, Kirsten, Winkelmann, Ricarda (2023): Exploring risks and benefits of overshooting a 1.5 °C carbon budget over space and time - Environmental Research Letters
Sun, Fenglan, Wu, Xiaoshuai , Kurths, Jürgen, Zhu, Wei (2023): Group Consensus for Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems With Time Delays Based on Frequency Domain Approach - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems