
Publikationen sind eines der wichtigsten Produkte des PIK. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie unsere neuesten Arbeiten und weitere Informationen
Jia, J., Song, Z., Liu, W., Kurths, Jürgen, Xiao, J. (2015): Experimental study of the triplet synchronization of coupled nonidentical mechanical metronomes - Nature Scientific Reports
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2015): Syrien: Erst die Dürre, dann der Krieg - zeo2 - Magazin für Umwelt, Politik und Neue Wirschaft
Rillig, M. C., Kiessling, W., Borsch, T., Gessler, A., Greenwood, A. D., Hofer, H., Joshi, J., Schröder, B., Thonicke, Kirsten, Tockner, K., Weisshuhn, K., Jeltsch, F. (2015): Biodiversity research: data without theory - theory without data - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Dutton, A., Carlson, A. E., Long, A .J., Milne, G. A., Clark, P. U., DeConto, R., Horton, B. P., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Raymo, M. E. (2015): Sea-level rise due to polar ice-sheet mass loss during past warm periods - Science
Frank, D., Reichstein, M., Bahn, M., Thonicke, Kirsten, Frank, D., Mahecha, M. D., Smith, P., Velde, M. van der, Vicca, S., Babst, F., Beer, C., Buchmann, N., Canadell, J. G., Ciais, P., Cramer, W., Ibrom, A., Miglietta, F., Poulter, B., Rammig, A., Seneviratne, S. I., Walz, A., Wattenbach, M., Zavala, M. A., Zscheischler, J. (2015): Effects of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: concepts, processes and potential future impacts - Global Change Biology
Cahill, N., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Parnell, A. C. (2015): Change points of global temperature - Environmental Research Letters
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2015): Was ist los im Nordatlantik? - Was ist los im Nordatlantik?, Climate Science Weblog KlimaLounge
Bonsch, M., Popp, Alexander, Biewald, A., Rolinski, Susanne, Schmitz, C., Weindl, I., Stevanovic, M., Högner, K., Heinke, J., Ostberg, S., Dietrich, J. P., Bodirsky, B., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Humpenöder, Florian (2015): Environmental flow provision: Implications for agricultural water and land-use at the global scale - Global Environmental Change
Gerten, Dieter, Rockström, J., Heinke, J., Steffen, W., Richardson, K., Cornell, S. (2015): Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet [Response to Comment] - Science
Sluisveld, M. A. E. van, Harmsen, J. H. M., Bauer, Nicolas, McCollum, D. L., Riahi, K., Tavoni, M., Vuuren, D. P. van, Wilson, C., Zwaan, B. van der (2015): Comparing future patterns of energy system change in 2 °C scenarios with historically observed rates of change - Global Environmental Change
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2015): Keine Pause, nirgends - Keine Pause, nirgends, Climate Science Weblog KlimaLounge
Robinson, A., Perrette, M. (2015): NCIO 1.0: a simple Fortran NetCDF interface - Geoscientific Model Development
Jägermeyr, Jonas, Gerten, Dieter, Heinke, J., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Kummu, M., Lucht, Wolfgang (2015): Water savings potentials of irrigation systems: global simulation of processes and linkages - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Gernaat, D. E. H. J., Calvin, K., Lucas, P. L., Luderer, Gunnar, Otto, S. A. C., Rao, S., Strefler, Jessica, Vuuren, D. P. van (2015): Understanding the contribution of non-carbon dioxide gases in deep mitigation scenarios - Global Environmental Change
Donner, Reik V., Potirakis, S. M., Barbosa, S. M., Matos, J. A. O., Pereira, A. J. S. C., Neves, L. J. P. F. (2015): Intrinsic vs. spurious long-range memory in high-frequency records of environmental radioactivity - European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Carraro, C., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Flachsland, C., Kolstad, C., Stavins, R., Stowe, R. (2015): The IPCC at a crossroads: Opportunities for reform [Perspectives] - Science
Sakschewski, B., von Bloh, Werner, Boit, A., Rammig, A., Kattge, J., Poorter, L., Peñuelas, J., Thonicke, Kirsten (2015): Leaf and stem economics spectra drive diversity of functional plant traits in a dynamic global vegetation model - Global Change Biology
Wu, M., Knorr, W., Thonicke, Kirsten, Schurgers, G., Camia, A., Arneth, A. (2015): Sensitivity of burned area in Europe to climate change, atmospheric CO2 levels, and demography: A comparison of two fire-vegetation models - Journal of Geophysical Research
Jakob, M., Steckel, J. C., Flachsland, C., Baumstark, Lavinia (2015): Climate finance for developing country mitigation: blessing or curse? - Climate and Development
Komendantova, N., Leroy, C., Battaglini, A., Niglia, A. (2015): Protection of Electricity Transmission Infrastructure from Natural Hazards: from Multi-Risk Assessment to Multi-Risk Governance - The Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructure Against Emerging Security Challenges, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – D: Information and Communication Security ; 43
Reyer, C. (2015): Prognosenmodelle zu Klimawandel und Waldwachstum unter sich verändernden Umweltbedingungen - Der Warndt - ein industriell geprägter Kulturraum in Wandel, Der Warndt - eine saarländisch-lothringische Waldlandschaft ; 2
Rogelj, J., Luderer, Gunnar, Pietzcker, R. C., Kriegler, Elmar, Schaeffer, M., Krey, V., Riahi, K. (2015): Energy system transformations for limiting end-of-century warming to below 1.5 °C - Nature Climate Change