
Publikationen sind eines der wichtigsten Produkte des PIK. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie unsere neuesten Arbeiten und weitere Informationen
Garbe, Julius, Zeitz, Maria, Krebs-Kanzow, Uta, Winkelmann, Ricarda (2023): The evolution of future Antarctic surface melt using PISM-dEBM-simple - The Cryosphere
Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Oxana, Sergeev, Konstantin, Semenova, Nadezhda, Slepnev, Andrey, Karavaev, Anatoly, Hramkov, Alexey, Prokhorov, Mikhail, Borovkova, Ekaterina, Blokhina, Inna, Fedosov, Ivan, Shirokov, Alexander, Dubrovsky, Alexander, Terskov, Andrey, Manzhaeva, Maria, Krupnova, Valeria, Dmitrenko, Alexander, Zlatogorskaya, Daria, Adushkina, Viktoria, Evsukova, Arina, Tuzhilkin, Matvey, Elizarova, Inna, Ilyukov, Egor, Myagkov, Dmitry, Tuktarov, Dmitry, Kurths, Jürgen (2023): Machine Learning Technology for EEG-Forecast of the Blood–Brain Barrier Leakage and the Activation of the Brain’s Drainage System during Isoflurane Anesthesia - Biomolecules
Liu, Caihong, Hu, Chundi, Yang, Song, Lian, Tao, Zhang, Chengyang, Lin, Lifei, Cai, Fenying (2023): Extreme Mei-yu in 2020: Characteristics, causes, predictability and perspectives - Earth-Science Reviews
Kiss, István Z. , Kurths, Jürgen, Parlitz, Ulrich , Sun, Jie (2023): Winners of 2022 Edward Norton Lorenz Early Career Awards - Chaos
Creutzig, Felix, Hilaire, Jérôme, Nemet, Gregory, Müller-Hansen, Finn, Minx, Jan C. (2023): Technological innovation enables low cost climate change mitigation - Energy Research and Social Science
Deffner, Sebastian , Driscol, Michelle , Kurths, Jürgen, Redner, Sid , Voth, Greg (2023): Editorial: Dissertation Award in Statistical and Nonlinear Physics of APS for Dr. Adrian van Kan - Chaos
Müller-Hauser, Anna, Huda, Tarique Md. Nurul, Sobhan, Shafinaz, Lambrecht, Nathalie, Waid, Jillian Lee, Wendt, Amanda, Ali, Shahjahan, Rahman, Mahbubur, Gabrysch, Sabine (2023): Effect of a Homestead Food Production and food hygiene intervention on biomarkers of environmental enteric dysfunction in children under 24 months in rural Bangladesh: A cluster-randomized controlled trial - American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Gloy, Nele, Kephe, Priscilla, Jansen, Lennart, Ostberg, Sebastian, Kaufmann, Juliane, Staubach, Lina, Tchindjang, Mesmin, Romanovska, Paula, Vetter, Regina, Tomalka, Julia, Kagonbé, Timothée, Anaba, Muriel, Zouh, Isabella, Amougou, Joseph A., Cronauer, Carla Catarina, Gornott, Christoph (2023): Climate risk analysis for adaptation planning in Cameroon's agricultural sector
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Pichler, Peter-Paul, Schaeffer, Robert K., Stadler, Stefan (2023): Great transformations: Social revolutions erupted during energy transitions around the world, 1500–2013 - Energy Research and Social Science
Stechemesser, Annika, Kotz, Maximilian, Auffhammer, M., Wenz, Leonie (2023): Prolonged exposure weakens risk perception and behavioral mobility response: Empirical evidence from Covid-19 - Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Rybski, Diego, Ciccone, Antonio (2023): Auerbach, Lotka, and Zipf: pioneers of power-law city-size distributions - Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Zheng, Heran, Zhang, Zengkai, Dietzenbacher, Erik, Zhou, Ya, Többen, Johannes, Feng, Kuishuang, Moran, Daniel, Jiang, Meng, Shan, Yuli, Wang, Daoping, Liu, Xiaoyu, Li, Li, Zhao, Dandan, Meng, Jing, Ou, Jiamin, Guan, Dabo (2023): Leveraging opportunity of low carbon transition by super-emitter cities in China - Science Bulletin
Javed, Mustafa, Didovets, Iulii, Böhner, Jürgen, Hasson, Shabeh ul (2023): Attributing historical streamflow changes in the Jhelum River basin to climate change - Climatic Change
Sunny, Eros, Ashok, Balakrishnan, Balakrishnan, Janaki, Kurths, Jürgen (2023): The ocean carbon sinks and climate change - Chaos
Münz, Tobias, Pradella, Fernando, Gabrysch, Sabine, van Ewijk, Reyn (2023): Temperature around conception and metabolic health in adulthood: Evidence from the UK Biobank - European Journal of Public Health
Lambrecht, Nathalie, Pörtner, Lisa M., Schlenger, Lorenz, Gabrysch, Sabine (2023): Healthiness and sustainability of food service in healthcare settings in Germany - European Journal of Public Health
Pradella , Fernando, Gabrysch, Sabine, van Ewijk, Reyn (2023): Early-life droughts and cognitive performance among children in rural India - European Journal of Public Health
Zhao, Shan , Saha, Sudipan , Xiong, Zhitong , Boers, Niklas, Zhu, Xia Xiang (2023): Exploring Geometric Deep Learning for Precipitation Nowcasting - IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings
Bochow, Nils, Poltronieri, Anna, Robinson, Alexander, Montoya, Marisa, Rypdal, Martin, Boers, Niklas (2023): Overshooting the critical threshold for the Greenland ice sheet - Nature
Patton, Annette I., Luna, Lisa, Roering, Joshua J., Jacobs, Aaron, Korup, Oliver, Mirus, Benjamin B. (2023): Landslide initiation thresholds in data-sparse regions: application to landslide early warning criteria in Sitka, Alaska, USA - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Meng, Jun, Fan, Jingfang, Bhatt, Uma S., Kurths, Jürgen (2023): Arctic weather variability and connectivity - Nature Communications
Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Oxana, Bragin, Denis, Fedosov, Ivan, Blokhina, Inna, Khorovodov, Alexander, Terskov, Andrey, Shirokov, Alexander, Dubrovsky, Alexander, Vinnik, Valeria, Evsukova, Arina, Elovenko, Daria, Adushkina, Viktoria, Tzoy, Maria, Dmitrenko, Alexander, Krupnova, Valeria, Manzhaeva, Maria, Agranovich, Ilana, Saranceva, Elena, Iskra, Tatyana, Lykova, Ekaterina, Sokolovski, Sergey, Rafailov, Edik, Kurths, Jürgen (2023): Mechanisms of Photostimulation of Brain's Waste Disposal System: The Role of Singlet Oxygen - Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIV
Yun, Kyung-Sook, Timmermann, Axel, Lee, Sun-Seon, Willeit, Matteo, Ganopolski, Andrey, Jadhav, Jyoti (2023): A transient coupled general circulation model(CGCM) simulation of the past 3 million years - Climate of the Past