
Publikationen sind eines der wichtigsten Produkte des PIK. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie unsere neuesten Arbeiten und weitere Informationen
Okullo, Samuel Jovan, Reynès, Frédéric, Hofkes, Marjan W. (2021): (Bio-)Fuel mandating and the green paradox - Energy Economics
Pokhrel, Yadu, Felfelani, Farshid, Satoh, Yusuke, Boulange, Julien, Burek, Peter, Gädeke, Anne, Gerten, Dieter, Gosling, Simon N., Grillakis, Manolis, Gudmundsson, Lukas, Hanasaki, Naota, Kim, Hyungjun, Koutroulis, Aristeidis, Liu, Junguo, Papadimitriou, Lamprini, Schewe, Jacob, Müller Schmied, Hannes, Stacke, Tobias, Telteu, Camelia-Eliza, Thiery, Wim, Veldkamp, Ted, Zhao, Fang, Wada, Yoshihide (2021): Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change - Nature Climate Change
Martin, Susan F., Bergmann, Jonas, Rigaud , Kanta Kumari, Yameogo, Nadege Desiree (2021): Climate change, human mobility, and development - Migration Studies
Zhang, Xiaoyu, Xu, Yong, Liu, Qi, Kurths, Jürgen, Grebogi, Celso (2021): Rate-dependent bifurcation dodging in a thermoacoustic system driven by colored noise - Nonlinear Dynamics
Yu, Lanlan, Li, Ping, Zhang, Jie, Kurths, Jürgen (2021): Dynamic community discovery via common subspace projection - New Journal of Physics
Hänsel, Martin C., Franks, R. Maximilian, Kalkuhl, Matthias, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2021): Optimal carbon taxation and horizontal equity: A welfare-theoretic approach with application to German household data - CEPA Discussion Paper
Krämer, Kai-Hauke, Datseris, George, Kurths, Jürgen, Kiss, Istvan Z., Ocampo-Espindola, Jorge L., Marwan, Norbert (2021): A unified and automated approach to attractor reconstruction - New Journal of Physics
Kemter, Matthias, Fischer, M., Luna, Lisa, Schönfeldt, E., Vogel, J., Banerjee, Abhirup, Korup, O., Thonicke, Kirsten (2021): Cascading hazards in the aftermath of Australia's 2019/2020 Black Summer wildfires - Earth's Future
Baum, Sarah, Conradt, Tobias, Dechow, René, Elsasser, Peter, Englert, Hermann, Ermisch, Nils, Gömann, Horst, Goetzke, Roland, Gottschalk, Pia, Gutsch, Martin, Henseler, Martin, Hoymann, Jana, Köthke, Margret, Kreins, Peter, Lasch-Born, Petra, Suckow, Felicitas, Wechsung, Frank (2021): Modellgestützte Wirkungsanalysen ausgewählter Maßnahmen und Strategien - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel
Shukla, Roopam, Gleixner, Stephanie, Yalew, Amsalu Woldie, Schauberger, Bernhard, Sietz, Diana, Gornott, Christoph (2021): Dynamic vulnerability of smallholder agricultural systems in the face of climate change for Ethiopia - Environmental Research Letters
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Kosch, Mirjam, Pahle, Michael, Zachmann, Georg (2021): A whole-economy carbon price for Europe and how to get there - Policy Contribution
Stenzel, Fabian, Greve, Peter, Lucht, Wolfgang, Tramberend, Sylvia, Wada, Yoshihide , Gerten, Dieter (2021): Irrigation of biomass plantations may globally increase water stress more than climate change - Nature Communications
Caesar, Levke, McCarthy, G. D., Thornalley, D. J. R., Cahill, N., Rahmstorf, Stefan (2021): Current Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakest in last millennium - Nature Geoscience
Bertram, Christoph, Luderer, Gunnar, Creutzig, Felix, Bauer, Nicolas, Ueckerdt, Falko, Malik, Aman, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2021): COVID-19-induced low power demand and market forces starkly reduce CO2 emissions - Nature Climate Change
Duesing, Walter, Berner, Nadine, Deino, Alan L., Foerster, Verena, Krämer, Kai-Hauke, Marwan, Norbert, Trauth, Martin H. (2021): Multiband wavelet age modeling for a ∼293 m (∼600 kyr) sediment core from Chew Bahir Basin, Southern Ethiopian Rift - Frontiers in Earth Science
Hänsel, Martin C., Franks, R. Maximilian, Kalkuhl, Matthias, Edenhofer, Ottmar (2021): Optimal Carbon Taxation and Horizontal Equity: A Welfare-Theoretic Approach with Application to German Household Data - CESifo Working Paper
Rafaj, Peter, Kiesewetter, Gregor, Krey, Volker, Schoepp, Wolfgang, Bertram, Christoph, Drouet, Laurent, Fricko, Oliver, Fujimori, Shinichiro, Harmsen, Mathijs, Hilaire, Jérôme, Huppmann, Daniel, Klimont, Zbigniew, Kolp, Peter, Aleluia Reis, Lara, van Vuuren, Detlef (2021): Air quality and health implications of 1.5 °C–2 °C climate pathways under considerations of ageing population: a multi-model scenario analysis - Environmental Research Letters
Buchmann, Nina, Falkai, Peter, Foroutan, Naika, Haddadin, Sami, Harhoff, Dietmar, Jürgens, Kerstin, Klie, Thomas, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Milewski, Nadja, Schallbruch, Martin, Stokman, Antje (2021): Niedersachsen 2030 - Potenziale und Perspektiven. Gutachten der Kommission Niedersachsen 2030
Yalew, Amsalu Woldie (2021): Revisiting economic burdens of malaria in the face of climate change: a conceptual analysis for Ethiopia - International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
Wang, Zhanqing, Xu, Yong, Li, Yongge, Kurths, Jürgen (2021): The probability density function of interspike intervals in an FHN model with α-stable noise - European Physical Journal Plus
Wei, Ruoyu, Cao, Jinde, Kurths, Jürgen (2021): Fixed-Time Output Synchronization of Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks With Delayed Output Couplings - IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Gudmundsson, Lukas, Boulange, Julien, Do, Hong X., Gosling, Simon N., Grillakis, Manolis G., Koutroulis, Aristeidis G., Leonard, Michael, Liu, Junguo, Müller Schmied, Hannes, Papadimitriou, Lamprini, Pokhrel, Yadu, Seneviratne, Sonia I., Satoh, Yusuke, Thiery, Wim, Westra, Seth, Zhang, Xuebin, Zhao, Fang (2021): Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to climate change - Science
Huang, Min, Sun, Zhongkui, Donner, Reik V., Zhang, Jie, Guan, Shuguang, Zou, Yong (2021): Characterizing dynamical transitions by statistical complexity measures based on ordinal pattern transition networks - Chaos
Leip, Adrian, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Kugelberg, Susanna (2021): The role of nitrogen in achieving sustainable food systems for healthy diets - Global Food Security