Publikationen Sozialer Metabolismus

Kuempel, Caitlin D., Frazier, Melanie, Verstaen, Juliette, Rayner, Paul-Eric, Blanchard, Julia L., Cottrell, Richard S., Froehlich, Halley E., Gephart, Jessica A., Jacobsen, Nis Sand, McIntyre, Peter B., Metian, Marc, Moran, Daniel, Nash, Kirsty L., Többen, Johannes, Williams, David R., Halpern, Benjamin S. (2023): Environmental footprints of farmed chicken and salmon bridge the land and sea - Current Biology
Vinke, Kira, Gardiner, Stephen M., Gärtner, Juliana, Thornton, Fanny, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2023): The Freedom to Move in Response to Uninhabitability: Enabling Climate Migration by a Nansen-Type Passport - Resilience of People and Ecosystems under Climate Stress, Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarvm Scripta Varia
Farbotko, Carol, Thornton, Fanny, Mayrhofer, Monika, Hermann, Elfriede (2022): Climate mobilities, rights and justice: Complexities and particularities - Frontiers in Climate
Belmin, Camille, Hoffmann, Roman, Elkasabi, Mahmoud, Pichler, Peter-Paul (2022): LivWell: a sub-national Dataset on the Living Conditions of Women and their Well-being for 52 Countries - Scientific Data
Zheng, Heran , Többen, Johannes, Dietzenbacher, Erik , Moran, Daniel , Meng , Jing , Wang, Daoping, Guan, Dabo (2022): Entropy-based Chinese city-level MRIO table framework - Economic Systems Research
Harper, Andrew, Vinke, Kira, Blocher, Julia (2022): Gender, Displacement and Climate Change
Dendorfer, J., Hoffmann, Roman, Theine, H. (2022): Integrating environmental issues within party manifestos: Exploring trends across European welfare states - Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe: Social Policy and Climate Change
Hoffmann, Roman, Wiederkehr, Charlotte, Dimitrova, Anna, Hermans, Kathleen (2022): Agricultural livelihoods, adaptation, and environmental migration in sub-Saharan drylands: a meta-analytical review - Environmental Research Letters
von Loeben, Sophie Charlotte, Birner, Jana, Vinke, Kira, Gornott, Christoph, Blocher, Julia, Destrijcker, Lucas, Fischer, Benjamin, Gleixner, Stephanie, Gornott, Christoph, Hegre, Håvard , Jansen, Lennart, Jones, Bryan, Kjærum, Alexander, Lindqvist-McGowan, Angelica, von Loeben, Sophie Charlotte, Manger, Nicole, Tomalka, Julia, Vesco, Paola, Vinke, Kira, Wesch, Stefanie, Zvolsky, Antonia (2022): Moving from reaction to action - Anticipating vulnerability hotspots in the Sahel: A synthesis report from the Sahel predictive analysis project in support of the United Nations integrated strategy for the Sahel
Arthur, Hanson, Sanderson, David, Tranter, Paul, Thornton, Alec (2022): A review of theoretical frameworks of food system governance, and the search for food system sustainability - Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
Clawson, Gage, Kuempel, Caitlin D., Frazier, Melanie, Blasco, Gordon, Cottrell, Richard S., Froehlich, Halley E., Metian, Marc, Nash, Kirsty L., Többen, Johannes, Verstaen, Juliette, Williams, David R., Halpern, Benjamin S. (2022): Mapping the spatial distribution of global mariculture production - Aquaculture
Weisz, Helga, Kueffer, Christoph, Renn, Ortwin, Schmid, Bernhard, Wäger, Patrick (2022): Thirty years of GAIA: a constant in a fast-changing world - GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Vinke, Kira, Rottmann, Sophia, Gornott, Christoph, Zabre, P., Schwerdtle, P. N., Sauerborn, R. (2022): Is migration an effective adaptation to climate-related agricultural distress in sub-Saharan Africa? - Population and Environment
Belmin, Camille, Hoffmann, Roman, Pichler, Peter-Paul, Weisz, Helga (2022): Fertility transition powered by women’s access to electricity and modern cooking fuels - Nature Sustainability
Moran, Daniel, Pichler, Peter-Paul, Zheng, Heran , Muri, Helene, Klenner, Jan, Kramel, Diogo, Többen, Johannes, Weisz, Helga, Wiedmann, Thomas, Wyckmans, Annemie, Strømman, Anders Hammer, Gurney, Kevin R. (2022): Estimating CO2 emissions for 108 000 European cities - Earth System Science Data
Többen, Johannes, Distelkamp, Martin, Stöver, Britta, Reuschel, Saskia, Ahmann, Lara, Lutz, Christian (2022): Global Land Use Impacts of Bioeconomy: An Econometric Input–Output Approach - Sustainability
Hoffmann, Roman, Muttarak, Raya , Peisker, Jonas , Stanig, Piero (2022): Climate change experiences raise environmental concerns and promote Green voting - Nature Climate Change
Thornton, Fanny (2022): Relocation and Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change in the Pacific Region - Research Brief on Financing Planned
Becker, Mechthild A. (2022): Resilienz als Grundpfeiler selbstbestimmten Handelns in einer sich wandelnden und wärmer werdenden Welt. Globale und lokale Perspektiven - Klimakrise, sozialökologischer Kollaps und Klimagerechtigkeit: Spannungsfelder für Soziale Arbeit
Pichler, Peter-Paul (2022): Emissionen des Gesundheitssektors – Status quo und Handlungsbedarf - Jetzt oder nie: Nachhaltigkeit im Gesundheitswesen
Tomalka, Julia, Birner, Jana, Dieye, Abdoulaye Mar, Gleixner, Stephanie, Harper, Andrew, Hauf, Ylva, Hippe, Friederike, Jansen, Lennart, Lange, Stefan, Laudien, Rahel, Rheinbay, Janna, Vinke, Kira, von Loeben, Sophie Charlotte, Wesch, Stefanie, Zvolsky, Antonia, Gornott, Christoph (2021): Climate Risk Profile: Sahel
Martin, Susan F., Bergmann, Jonas (2021): (Im)mobility in the age of COVID-19 - International Migration Review
Upadhyay, Himani, Vinke, Kira, Bhardwaj, Saurabh, Becker, Mechthild A., Irfan, Muhammed, George, Nitin Babu, Biella, Riccardo, Arumugam, Ponraj, Muriki, Santosh Kumar, Paoletti, Emanuela (2021): Locked Houses, Fallow Lands: Climate Change and Migration in Uttarakhand, India