Liste der Publikationen RD 4

Nicholls, R. J., Marinova, N., Lowe, J. A., Brown, S., Vellinga, P., de Gusmão, D., Hinkel, J., Tol, R. S. J. (2011): Sea-level rise and its possible impacts given a ‘beyond 4°C world’ in the twenty-first century - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Patt, A., Komendantova, N., Battaglini, A., Lilliestam, J. (2011): Regional integration to support full renewable power deployment for Europe by 2050 - Environmental Politics
Bettzüge, M. O., Biermann, F., Böhm, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Erdmann, G., Grunwald, A., Jäger, C., Jungermann, H., Klepper, G., Leggewie, C., Messner, D., Nida-Rümelin, J., Radkau, J., Rehbinder, E., Reisch, L., Renn, O., Schmidt-Aßmann, E., Schneider, J.-P., Schreurs, M., von Weizsäcker, C. C., Voß, A., Wicke, L., Zürn, M. (2011): Die Bedeutung der Gesellschafts- und Kulturwissenschaften für eine integrierte und systemisch ausgerichtete Energieforschung - Die Bedeutung der Gesellschafts- und Kulturwissenschaften für eine integrierte und systemisch ausgerichtete Energieforschung
Nocke, T. (2011): Basics and visual analytics of climate networks - Basics and visual analytics of climate networks
Donner, Reik V., Zou, Y., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Ambiguities in recurrence-based complex network representations of time series - Physical Review E
Reußwig, Fritz, Lass, W. (2010): Post-carbon ambivalences. The new climate change discourse and the risks of climate science - Science, Technology and Innovation Studies
Reußwig, Fritz, Lebel, L., Lorek, S., Daniel, R. (2010): Sustainability transitions through the lens of lifestyle dynamics - Sustainable Production Consumption Systems
Yu, W., Chen, G., Cao, M., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Second-order consensus for multiagent systems with directed topologies and nonlinear dynamics - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics
Senthilkumar, D. V., Srinivasan, K., Murali, K., Lakshmanan, M., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Experimental confirmation of chaotic phase synchronization in coupled time-delayed electronic circuits - Physical Review E
Warner, K., Zissener, M., Kreft, S., Höppe, P., Bals, C., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Haas, A., Gurenko, E., Loster, T., Burton, I. (2010): Solutions for vulnerable countries and people - Solutions for vulnerable countries and people, Policy Brief
Morita, Y., Fujiwara, N., Kobayashi, M. U., Mizuguchi, T. (2010): Scytale decodes chaos: A method for estimating unstable symmetric solutions - Chaos
Komalapriya, C., Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen, Kiss, I. Z., Hudson, J .L. (2010): An automated algorithm for the generation of dynamically reconstructed trajectories - Chaos
Reußwig, Fritz (2010): Berlin = Saragossa? - Wiederkehr der Landschaft
Guimarães-Filho, Z. O., Caldas, I. L., Viana, R. L., Nascimento, I. C., Kuznetsov, Y. K., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Recurrence quantification analysis of turbulent fluctuations in the plasma edge of Tokamak Chauffage Alfvén Brésilien tokamak - Physics of Plasmas
Ngamga, E. J., Buscarino, A., Frasca, M., Sciuto, G., Kurths, Jürgen, Fortuna, L. (2010): Recurrence-based detection of the hyperchaos-chaos transition in an electronic circuit - Chaos
Patt, A. G., Pfenninger, S., Lilliestam, J. (2010): Vulnerability of solar energy infrastructure and output to extreme events: climate change implications - Vulnerability of solar energy infrastructure and output to extreme events: climate change implications
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Reußwig, Fritz, Lampe, S., Müller, J. N. (2010): Baukultur und Klimawandel - Architektur und Baukultur
Schmidt, G., Zamora-López, G., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Simulation of large scale cortical networks by individual neuron dynamics - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Senthilkumar, D. V., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Recurrence network approach to a phase space of a time-delay system - Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA2010 (Krakow 2010)
Zou, Y., Donner, Reik V., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Identifying complex periodic windows in continuous-time dynamical systems using recurrence-based methods - Chaos
Zakharova, A., Vadivasova, T., Anishchenko, V., Koseska, A., Kurths, Jürgen (2010): Stochastic bifurcations and coherencelike resonance in a self-sustained bistable noisy oscillator - Physical Review E
Sprinz, D. F., Bansal, D., Glauner, C., Oppolzer, J. (2010): Die 'Sandwichlösung' für die globale Klimapolitik - Delivering Tomorrow - Zukunftstrend Nachhaltige Logistik
Haas, A. (2010): Klimawandel und Finanzmärkte - uwf - UmweltWirtschaftsForum
Wu, Y., Zhou, C., Xia, J., Kurths, Jürgen, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim (2010): Evidence for a bimodal distribution in human communication - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Breitenbach, S. F. M., Adkins, J. F., Meyer, H., Marwan, Norbert, Kumar, K. K., Haug, G. H. (2010): Strong influence of water vapor source dynamics on stable isotopes in precipitation observed in Southern Meghalaya, NE India - Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Bowong, S., Tewa, J. J. (2010): Global analysis of a dynamical model for transmission of tuberculosis with a general contact rate - Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation