Schinkel, S., Zamora-López, G., Dimigen, O., Sommer, W., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Order Patterns Networks (ORPAN) - a method to estimate time-evolving functional connectivity from multivariate time series
- Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Tang, Y., Gao, H., Zou, W., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Identifying controlling nodes in neuronal networks in different scales
- PloS ONE
Zou, Y., Donner, Reik V., Wickramasinghe, M., Kiss, I. Z., Small, M., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Phase coherence and attractor geometry of chaotic electrochemical oscillators
- Chaos
Meyer-Ohlendorf, L., Jain, A., Schultz, S., Poldas, B., Reußwig, Fritz (2012):
Education for Sustainable Lifestyles (ESL) in Emerging Megacities
- Education for Sustainable Lifestyles (ESL) in Emerging Megacities, Policy brief discussion series ; 02
Marwan, Norbert, Beller, G., Felsenberg, D., Saparin, P., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Quantifying changes in the spatial structure of trabecular bone
- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Mahdavi, N., Menhaj, M. B., Kurths, Jürgen, Lu, J., Afshar, A. (2012):
Pinning impulsive synchronization of complex dynamical networks
- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Zhu, W., Fang, J., Tang, Y., Zhang, W., Xu, Y. (2012):
Identification of fractional-order systems via a switching differential evolution subject to noise perturbations
- Physics Letters A
Bang, G., Hovi, J., Sprinz, D. F. (2012):
US presidents and the failure to ratify multilateral environmental agreements
- Climate Policy
Bai, X., Dhakal, S., Steinberger, J., Weisz, H., Grubler, A., Fisk, D. (2012):
Drivers of Urban Energy Use and Main Policy Leverages
- Energizing Sustainable Cities
Huang, C., Ho, D. W. C., Lu, J., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Partial synchronization in stochastic dynamical networks with switching communication channels
- Chaos
Lass, W., Christ, T., Gellrich, A., Ide, T. (2012):
Ökonomische Folgen des Klimawandels
- Zugänge zur Klimadebatte in Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Psychologie, Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung ; 4
Lilliestam, J., Battaglini, A., Finlay, C., Fürstenwerth, D., Patt, A., Schellekens, G., Schmidt, P. (2012):
An alternative to a global climate deal may be unfolding before our eyes
- Climate and Development
Hinkel, J., Jaeger, C. C., Hasselmann, K., Leipold, G., Mangalagiu, D., Tàbara, J. D. (2012):
Climate Impacts: From Numbers to Stories
- Reframing the Problem of Climate Change
Bergner, A., Frasca, M., Sciuto, G., Buscarino, A., Ngamga, E. J., Fortuna, L., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Remote synchronization in star networks
- Physical Review E
Jaeger, Carlo C., Hasselmann, K., Leipold, G., Mangalagiu, D., Tàbara, J. D. (2012):
Reframing the Problem of Climate Change
Li, H., Wong, W .K., Tang, Y. (2012):
Global synchronization stability for stochastic complex dynamical networks with probabilistic interval time-varying delays
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Havlin, S., Kenett, D. Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Bunde, A., Cohen, R., Hermann, H., Kantelhardt, J. W., Kertész, J., Kirkpatrick, S., Kurths, Jürgen, Portugali, J., Solomon, S. (2012):
Challenges in network science: applications to infrastructures, climate, social systems and economics
- The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Zou, W., Senthilkumar, D.V., Tang, Y., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Stabilizing oscillation death by multicomponent coupling with mismatched delays
- Physical Review E
Ge, T., Cui, Y., Lin, W., Kurths, Jürgen, Liu, C. (2012):
Characterizing time series: when Granger causality triggers complex networks
- New Journal of Physics
Ando, H., Suetani, H., Kurths, Jürgen, Aihara, K. (2012):
Chaotic phase synchronization in bursting-neuron models driven by a weak periodic force
- Physical Review E
Runge, J., Heitzig, Jobst, Petoukhov, V., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Escaping the curse of dimensionality in estimating multivariate transfer entropy
- Physical Review Letters
Ellenbeck, S., Lilliestam, J., Battaglini, A. (2012):
Issues that are Likely to Play a Key Role in the Implementation of the Cooperation Mechanism
- Issues that are Likely to Play a Key Role in the Implementation of the Cooperation Mechanism, Deliverable BETTER project ; D2.4
Zou, Y., Donner, Reik V., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Geometric and dynamic perspectives on phase-coherent and noncoherent chaos
- Chaos
Lameu, E. L., Batista, C. A. S., Batista, A. M., Iarosz, K., Viana, R. L., Lopes, S. R., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Suppression of bursting synchronization in clustered scale-free (rich-club) neuronal networks
- Chaos
Fischer, A., Peters, V., Neebe, M., Vávra, J., Kriel, A., Lapka, M., Megyesi, B. (2012):
Climate change? No, wise resource use is the issue: Social representations of energy, climate change and the future
- Environmental Policy and Governance
Florence, G., Pereira, T., Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Extracellular potassium dynamics in the hyperexcitable state of the neuronal ictal activity
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Warner, K., Kreft, S., Zissener, M., Höppe, P., Bals, C., Loster, T., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Tschudi, S., Gurenko, E., Haas, A., Young, S., Kovacs, P., Dlugolecki, A., Oxley, A. (2012):
Insurance Solutions in the Context of Climate Change-related Loss and Damage
- Insurance Solutions in the Context of Climate Change-related Loss and Damage, UNU-EHS policy briefs ; 6/2012
Albuquerque, G., Lehmann, D. J., Rodermund, T., Eisemann, M., Nocke, T., Theisel, H., Magnor, M. (2012):
Semi-Automatic Classification of Weather Maps
- Semi-Automatic Classification of Weather Maps, Technical Report ; 2012-3-17
Hovi, J., Sprinz, D. F., Bang, G. (2012):
Why the United States did not become a party to the Kyoto Protocol: German, Norwegian, and US perspectives
- European Journal of International Relations
Runge, J., Heitzig, Jobst, Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2012):
Quantifying causal coupling strength: A lag-specific measure for multivariate time series related to transfer entropy
- Physical Review E