Zou, W., Senthilkumar, D. V., Zhan, M., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Reviving oscillations in coupled nonlinear oscillators
- Physical Review Letters
Li, C., Zhang, F., Kurths, Jürgen, Zeng, F. (2013):
Equivalent system for a multiple-rational-order fractional differential system
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Zhang, F., Chen, G., Li, C., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Chaos synchronization in fractional differential systems
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Pavlov, A. N., Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O. V., Pavlova, O. N., Bibikova, O. A., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Wavelet-analysis of gastric microcirculation in rats with ulcer bleedings
- European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Gao, Z.-K., Zhang, X.-W., Jin, N.-D., Donner, Reik V., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Recurrence networks from multivariate signals for uncovering dynamic transitions of horizontal oil-water stratified flows
- Europhysics Letters (epl)
Wessel, N., Marwan, Norbert, Krämer, J. F., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
TOCSY - Toolboxes for modelling of dynamical systems and time series
- Biomedizinische Technik
Miao, Q., Tang, Y., Kurths, Jürgen, Fang, J., Wong, W. K. (2013):
Pinning controllability of complex networks with community structure
- Chaos
Weisz, H., Mieg, H. A., Töpfer, K. (2013):
Towards a Socio-metabolic History of Cities
- Institutional and Social Innovation for Sustainable Urban Development, Routledge studies in sustainable development ; 1
Wiedermann, Marc, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Heitzig, Jobst, Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Node-weighted interacting network measures improve the representation of real-world complex systems
- Europhysics Letters (epl)
Werg, J., Grothmann, T., Schmidt, P. (2013):
Assessing social capacity and vulnerability of private households to natural hazards - integrating psychological and governance factors
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Tang, Y., Gao, H., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Multiobjective identification of controlling areas in neuronal networks
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Lilliestam, J. (2013):
Energy Security and Renewable Electricity Imports: The Case of a Supergrid Connecting Europe, North Africa and the Middle East
- Energy Security and Renewable Electricity Imports: The Case of a Supergrid Connecting Europe, North Africa and the Middle East
Gao, Z.-K., Zhang, X.-W., Jin, N.-D., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Multivariate recurrence network analysis for characterizing horizontal oil-water two-phase flow
- Physical Review E
Ji, P., Peron, T. K. DM., Menck, P. J., Rodrigues, F. A., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Cluster explosive synchronization in complex networks
- Physical Review Letters
Li, L., Kurths, Jürgen, Peng, H., Yang, Y., Luo, Q. (2013):
Exponentially asymptotic synchronization of uncertain complex time-delay dynamical networks
- European Physical Journal B
Heitzig, Jobst (2013):
Moving Taylor bayesian regression for nonparametric multidimensional function estimation with possibly correlated errors
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Cysarz, D., Porta, A., Montano, N., Leeuwen, P. V., Kurths, Jürgen, Wessel, N. (2013):
Quantifying heart rate dynamics using different approaches of symbolic dynamics
- European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Kennett, D. J., Hajdas, I., Culleton, B. J., Belmecheri, S., Martin, S., Neff, H., Awe, J., Graham, H. V., Freeman, K. H., Newsom, L., Lentz, D. L., Anselmetti, F. S., Robinson, M., Marwan, Norbert, Southon, J., Hodell, D. A., Haug, G. H. (2013):
Correlating the ancient Maya and modern European calendars with high-precision AMS 14C dating
- Nature Scientific Reports
Ellenbeck, S., Lilliestam, J., Battaglini, A., Cottret, N., El Gharras, A., Abaach, H. (2013):
Energy Policy, Targets, Present Discussions and Barriers in RE deployment in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt
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Reußwig, Fritz (2013):
History and future of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming
- Environmental Research Letters
Lass, W., Haas, A., Hinkel, J., Jaeger, Carlo C., Shi, P., Jaeger, C. C., Ye, Q. (2013):
Avoiding the Avoidable: Towards a European Heat Waves Risk Governance
- Integrated Risk Governance, IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Project Series
Zhang, W., Tang, Y., Miao, Q., Du, W. (2013):
Exponential synchronization of coupled switched neural networks with mode-dependent impulsive effects
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Li, L., Yang, C., Hui, S., Yu, W., Kurths, Jürgen, Peng, H., Yang, Y. (2013):
A reconfigurable logic cell based on a simple dynamical system
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Wolf, S., Fürst, S., Mandel, A., Lass, W., Lincke, D., Pablo-Martí, F., Jaeger, C. (2013):
A multi-agent model of several economic regions
- Environmental Modelling and Software
Weisz, H., Koch, H., Lasch, P., Walkenhorst, O., Peters, V., Vögele, S., Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Huang, S., Aich, V., Büchner, M., Gutsch, M., Pichler, P.-P., Suckow, F. (2013):
Methode einer integrierten und erweiterten Vulnerabilitätsbewertung: Konzeptuell-methodische Grundlagen und exemplarische Umsetzung für Wasserhaushalt, Stromerzeugung und energetische Nutzung von Holz unter Klimawandel
- Methode einer integrierten und erweiterten Vulnerabilitätsbewertung: Konzeptuell-methodische Grundlagen und exemplarische Umsetzung für Wasserhaushalt, Stromerzeugung und energetische Nutzung von Holz unter Klimawandel, Umweltforschungsplan Des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit : Klimawandel und Anpassung
Weidlich, A., Renelt, S., Schmidt, P., Sobótka, M., Storace, S. (2013):
Gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Smart Metering: Nicht ohne meine Kunden!
- Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen
Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Donner, Reik V., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Testing time series irreversibility using complex network methods
- Europhysics Letters (epl)
Ramírez-Ávila, G. M., Gapelyuk, A., Marwan, Norbert, Walther, T., Stepan, H., Kurths, Jürgen, Wessel, N. (2013):
Classification of cardiovascular time series based on different coupling structures using recurrence networks analysis
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Marwan, Norbert, Schinkel, S., Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Recurrence plots 25 years later - Gaining confidence in dynamical transitions
- Europhysics Letters (epl)
Feldhoff, J. H., Donner, Reik V., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2013):
Geometric signature of complex synchronisation scenarios
- Europhysics Letters (epl)