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Recent Global Warming Induced Climate Changes
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- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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Bergbau, Sanierung und Folgenutzung
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- Environmental Modelling and Software
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Categorisation of typical vulnerability patterns in global drylands
- Global Environmental Change
Schleußner, C. F., Frieler, Katja, Meinshausen, M., Yin, J., Levermann, Anders (2011):
Emulating Atlantic overturning strength for low emission scenarios: consequences for sea-level rise along the North American east coast
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Assessment of Climate Change-Induced Vulnerability to Floods in Hyderabad, India, Using Remote Sensing Data
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Übersicht über das Elbeeinzugsgebiet
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Model-based biospheric greenhouse gas balance of Hungary
- Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases
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Risk of severe climate change impact on the terrestrial biosphere
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Global bioenergy potentials from agricultural land in 2050: Sensitivity to climate change, diets and yields
- Biomass and Bioenergy
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Harvesting the sun: new estimations of the maximum population of planet Earth
- Ecological Modelling
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Temporal dynamics of model parameter sensitivity for computationally expensive models with the Fourier amplitude sensitivity test
- Water Resources Research
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Intense precipitation and high floods - observations and projections
- In Extremis: Disruptive Events and Trends in Climate and Hydrology
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Detrended fluctuation studies of long-term persistence and multifractality of precipitation and river runoff records
- In Extremis: Disruptive Events and Trends in Climate and Hydrology
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How well do integrated assessment models simulate climate change?
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Internal and external green-blue agricultural water footprints of nations, and related water and land savings through trade
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Schmitz, C., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Gerten, Dieter, Kowarsch, M. (2011):
Irrigation Water Scarcity and the Effectiveness of different Policy Options
- Water Management Options in a Globalised World
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Modelling of the Climate Change Effects on Nitrogen Loads in the Jizera Catchment, Czech Republic
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Diurnal variation of midlatitudinal NO3 column abundance over table mountain facility, California
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Boettle, M., Kropp, J. P., Reiber, L., Roithmeier, O., Rybski, Diego, Walther, C. (2011):
About the influence of elevation model quality and small-scale damage functions on flood damage estimation
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Eberhardt, G., Odening, M., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Erlach, B., Rolinski, Susanne, Rothe, P., Wirth, B. (2011):
Rentabilität der Hydrothermalen Karbonisierung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Transportkosten
- Berichte über Landwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft
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Europe at Risk
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Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Yadav, S. S., Redden, R. J., Hatfield, J. L., Lotze-Campen, H., Hall, A. E. (2011):
Regional Climate Impacts on Agriculture in Europe
- Crop Adaptation to Climate Change
Eisenack, K., Stecker, R., Reckien, D., Hoffmann, E. (2011):
Adaptation to climate change in the transport sector: a review
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The HadGEM2-ES implementation of CMIP5 centennial simulations
- Geoscientific Model Development
Hattermann, Fred Fokko (2010):
Hochwasser in Deutschland
- EnergieZukunft
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hirabayashi, Y., Kanae, S. (2010):
River floods in the changing climate - observations and projections
- Water Resources Management
Weindl, I., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander, Bodirsky, B., Rolinski, Susanne (2010):
Impacts of livestock feeding technologies on greenhouse gas emissions
- Impacts of livestock feeding technologies on greenhouse gas emissions