Liste der Publikationen RD2

Rockström, J., Vohland, K., Lucht, Wolfgang, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, von Weizsäcker, E. U., Banuri, T., Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Molina, M., Stern, N., Huber, V., Kadner, S. (2010): Making progress within and beyond borders - Global sustainability
Simon, M. (2010): Untersuchungen zu anthropogenen Beeinträchtigungen der Wasserstände am Pegel Magdeburg-Strombrücke - Untersuchungen zu anthropogenen Beeinträchtigungen der Wasserstände am Pegel Magdeburg-Strombrücke, PIK Report ; 118
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Gerten, Dieter, Hoff, H., Vohland, K., Edenhofer, O., Wallacher, J., Reder, M., Lotze-Campen, H. (2010): Anpassung des Wassermanagements an den Klimawandel - Global aber gerecht
Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Willems, P., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hattermann, F. F., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2010): Modelling - a primer for practitioners - Water Framework Directive: model supported implementation. A water manager's guide
Becker, A., Soncini-Sessa, R., Castelletti, A., Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Willems, P., Stålnacke, P., Laurans, Y., de Lange, W. J., Hattermann, F. F., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2010): How can models help implementing the Water Framework Directive? - Water Framework Directive: model supported implementation. A water manager's guide
Rybski, Diego, Costa, L. (2010): Welche Kosten verursacht der Klimawandel? - Meer und Küste
Reyer, C. (2010): Mit Vielfalt in den Klimawandel - LandInForm - Magazin für Ländliche Räume
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Mechler, R. (2010): Assessing adaptation to extreme weather events in Europe - Assessing adaptation to extreme weather events in Europe, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change ; 15, 7 - Special Issue
Kok, M. T. J., Lüdeke, M. K. B., Sterzel, T., Lucas, P. L., Walter, C., Janssen, P., de Soysa, I. (2010): Quantitative analysis of patterns of vulnerability to global environmental change - Quantitative analysis of patterns of vulnerability to global environmental change, Background studies
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P. (2010): Zagrożenia naturalnymi zdarzeniami ekstremalnymi - Nauka
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hattermann, F., Krysanova, Valentina (2010): Model-supported implementation of the Water Framework Directive - Water 21
Kwaśniewski, J., Kundzewicz, Z.W., Juda-Rezler, K. (2010): Aksjologia zagrożeń - Nauka
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P., Sadowski, Z. (2010): Wprowadzenie do raportu o zagrożeniach - Nauka
Koch, H., Kaltofen, M., Kaden, S., Grünewald, U., Servat, E., Demuth, S., Dezetter, A., Daniell, T. (2010): Effects of global change and adaptation options for water resources management in the Czech part of the River Elbe basin - Global Change : Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources, IAHS Publication ; 340
Kissling, W. D., Field, R., Korntheuer, H., Heyder, U., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2010): Woody plants and the prediction of climate-change impacts on bird diversity - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences
Pradhan, P., Wrobel, M., Förster, H., Kropp, J. P. (2010): Systematic access to climate change knowledge and adaptation experiences: a web-based approach - Systematic access to climate change knowledge and adaptation experiences: a web-based approach
Wrobel, M., Costa, L., Lissner, T., Moneo-Lain, M., Weiß, T., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2010): A review of user interface conventions in web applications for climate change information - A review of user interface conventions in web applications for climate change information
Mechler, R., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2010): Assessing adaptation to extreme weather events in Europe - Editorial - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
von Bloh, Werner, Rost, S., Gerten, Dieter, Lucht, Wolfgang (2010): Efficient parallelization of a dynamic global vegetation model with river routing - Environmental Modelling and Software
Szwed, M., Karg, G., Pińskwar, I., Radziejewski, M., Graczyk, D., Kędziora, A., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2010): Climate change and its effect on agriculture, water resources and human health sectors in Poland - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Jupp, T. E., Cox, P. M., Rammig, A., Thonicke, Kirsten, Lucht, Wolfgang, Cramer, W. (2010): Development of probability density functions for future South American rainfall - New Phytologist
Reyer, C., Gutsch, M., Lasch, P., Suckow, F., Sterck, F., Mohren, F. (2010): Species-specific fine root biomass distribution alters competition in mixed forests under climate change - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Schaber, J., Badeck, F., Doktor, D., von Bloh, Werner, Hudson, I. L., Keatley, M. R. (2010): Combining messy phenological time series - Phenological Research
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Zalewski, M., Kędziora, A., Pierzgalski, E. (2010): Zagrożenia związane z wodą - Nauka
Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Huang, S., Koch, H., Kaiser, K., Libra, J., Merz, B., Bens, O., Hüttl, R.F. (2010): Simulation der Wirkung von Klimaänderungen und Klimamodellunsicherheit auf den Wasserhaushalt für deutsche Flusseinzugsgebiete - Aktuelle Probleme im Wasserhaushalt von Nordostdeutschland. Trends, Ursachen, Lösungen, Scientific Technical Report STR 10/10
Espaldon, M. V. O., Acosta-Michlik, L., Yue, L., Shrestha, A., Ha, D. T., Magcale-Macandog, D. B., Nelson, G. L. M., Lalican, N. M., Talubo, J. P. P., Malenab, M. C. T., Abucay, E. R., Qingzhu, G. (2010): Assessing vulnerability of communities and understanding policy implications of adaptation responses to flood-related landslides in Asia - Assessing vulnerability of communities and understanding policy implications of adaptation responses to flood-related landslides in Asia, Final Report
Poulter, B., Aragão, L., Heyder, U., Gumpenberger, M., Heinke, J., Langerwisch, Fanny, Rammig, A., Thonicke, Kirsten, Cramer, W. (2010): Net biome production of the Amazon basin in the 21st Century - Global Change Biology
Bergmann, S., Gerten, Dieter, Bergmann, S., Gerten, D. (2010): Religion in climate and environmental change - Religion and dangerous environmental change, Studies in Religion and the Environment ; 2