Liste der Publikationen RD2

Schneider von Deimling, T., Meinshausen, M., Levermann, Anders, Huber, V., Frieler, Katja, Lawrence, D. M., Brovkin, V. (2012): Estimating the near-surface permafrost-carbon feedback on global warming - Biogeosciences
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Perrette, M., Vermeer, M. (2012): Testing the robustness of semi-empirical sea level projections - Climate Dynamics
Boisier, J. P., de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Pitman, A. J., Cruz, F. T., Delire, C., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M., van der Molen, M. K., Müller, C., Voldoire, A. (2012): Attributing the impacts of land-cover changes in temperate regions on surface temperature and heat fluxes to specific causes: Results from the first LUCID set of simulations - Journal of Geophysical Research
Gerten, Dieter, Lucht, Wolfgang, Kundzewicz, Z. W., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2012): Detection and Attribution of Changes in Water Resources - Changes in Flood Risk in Europe, IAHS special publication ; 10
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P. (2012): Natural risks: mitigation and adaptation - Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology
Haddeland, I., Heinke, J., Voß, F., Eisner, S., Chen, C., Hagemann, S., Ludwig, F. (2012): Effects of climate model radiation, humidity and wind estimates on hydrological simulations - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Bietenholz, W., Hip, I., Shcheredin, S., Volkholz, J. (2012): A numerical study of the 2-flavour Schwinger model with dynamical overlap hypercube fermions - The European Physical Journal C
Rybski, Diego, Buldyrev, S. V., Havlin, S., Liljeros, F., Makse, H. A. (2012): Communication activity in a social network: relation between long-term correlations and inter-event clustering - Nature Scientific Reports
Lüdeke, M. K. B., Budde, M., Kit, O., Reckien, D. (2012): Climate Change Scenarios for Hyderabad. Integrating Uncertainties and Consolidation - Climate Change Scenarios for Hyderabad. Integrating Uncertainties and Consolidation, Emerging Megacities ; 01/2010
Hattermann, Fred Fokko, Kundzewicz, Z. W., Huang, S., Vetter, T., Kron, W., Burghoff, O., Merz, B., Bronstert, A., Krysanova, Valentina, Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P. C., Hauf, Y., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2012): Flood Risk from a Holistic Perspective - Observed Changes in Germany - Changes in Flood Risk in Europe, IAHS special publication ; 10
Hölzel, H., Gädeke, A., Koch, H., Grünewald, U. (2012): Assessment of climate change impacts on hydrological processes and patterns in the Spree River catchment - Assessment of climate change impacts on hydrological processes and patterns in the Spree River catchment
Souty, F., Brunelle, T., Dumas, P., Dorin, B., Ciais, P., Crassous, R., Müller, C., Bondeau, A. (2012): The Nexus Land-Use model version 1.0, an approach articulating biophysical potentials and economic dynamics to model competition for land-use - Geoscientific Model Development
Biewald, A., Rolinski, Susanne, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Schmitz, C. (2012): Global Valuation of Agricultural, Virtual Blue Water Trade Measured on a Local Scale - Global Valuation of Agricultural, Virtual Blue Water Trade Measured on a Local Scale
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Sobolewskiego, M. (2012): Zmiany klimatu, ich przyczyny i skutki - możliwości przeciwdziałania i adaptacji - Polityka klimatyczna, Studia Biuro Analiz Sejmowych Kancelarii Sejmu ;1 (29)/2012
Popp, Alexander, Krause, M., Dietrich, J. P., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Leimbach, Marian, Beringer, T., Bauer, Nicolas (2012): Additional CO2 emissions from land use change - forest conservation as a precondition for sustainable production of second generation bioenergy - Ecological Economics
Popp, Alexander, Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2012): Fleischverzicht fürs Klima? Landwirtschaft und Klimawandel - Essen ist Leben, Brockhaus Horizonte
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Dobrowolski, A., Lorenc, H., Niedźwiedź, T., Pińskwar, I., Kowalczak, P., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2012): Floods in Poland - Changes in Flood Risk in Europe, IAHS special publication ; 10
Möhring, J., Otto, I. M., Steusloff, H. (2012): Tragedy of the Commons in the Haihe River Basin, Comparison of Experiment and Spatial Analysis Results - IWRM Karlsruhe 2012. Integrated Water Resources Management
Winkelmann, Ricarda, Levermann, Anders, Frieler, Katja, Martin, M. A. (2012): Uncertainty in future solid ice discharge from Antarctica - The Cryosphere Discussions
Lüttger, A. (2012): Book review: Ariel Dinar and Robert Mendelsohn (Eds.) (2011): Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture - Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture
Waha, K., van Bussel, L. G. J., Müller, C., Bondeau, A. (2012): Climate-driven simulation of global crop sowing dates - Global Ecology and Biogeography
Bronstert, A., Creutzfeldt, B., Graeff, T., Hajnsek, I., Heistermann, M., Itzerott, S., Jagdhuber, T., Kneis, D., Lück, E., Reusser, D. E., Zehe, E. (2012): Potentials and constraints of different types of soil moisture observations for flood simulations in headwater catchments - Natural Hazards
Feldhoff, J. H., Donner, Reik V., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2012): Geometric detection of coupling directions by means of inter-system recurrence networks - Physics Letters A
Schmitz, C. (2012): The Future of Food Supply in a Constraining Environment - The Future of Food Supply in a Constraining Environment
Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Popp, Alexander, Weindl, I., Dietrich, J. P., Rolinski, Susanne, Scheiffele, L., Schmitz, C., Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2012): N2O emissions from the global agricultural nitrogen cycle - current state and future scenarios - Biogeosciences
Lembcke, F. (2012): Kalkül versus Katastrophe: Die Kommunikation des Klimawandels - Kalkül versus Katastrophe: Die Kommunikation des Klimawandels