Schubert, S., Grossman-Clarke, S. (2014):
Evaluation of the coupled COSMO-CLM/DCEP model with observations from BUBBLE
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Gädeke, A., Hölzel, H., Koch, H., Pohle, I., Grünewald, U. (2014):
Analysis of uncertainties in the hydrological response of a model-based climate change impact assessment in a subcatchment of the Spree River, Germany
- Hydrological Processes
Valin, H., Sands, R. D., Mensbrugghe, D. van der, Nelson, G. C., Ahammad, H., Blanc, E., Bodirsky, B., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Havlík, P., Heyhoe, E., Kyle, P., Mason D’Croz, D., Paltsev, S., Rolinski, Susanne, Tabeau, A., Meijl, H. van, Lampe, M. von, Willenbockel, D. (2014):
The future of food demand: understanding differences in global economic models
- Agricultural Economics
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Kanae, S., Seneviratne, S. I., Handmer, J., Nicholls, N., Peduzzi, P., Mechler, R., Bouwer, L. M., Arnell, N., Mach, K., Muir-Wood, R., Brakenridge, G. R., Kron, W., Benito, G., Honda, Y., Takahashi, K., Sherstyukov, B. (2014):
Flood risk and climate change: global and regional perspectives
- Hydrological Sciences Journal
Nelson, G. C., Valin, H., Sands, R. D., Havlik, P., Ahammad, H., Deryng, D., Elliott, J., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Heyhoe, E., Kyle, P., Lampe, M. von, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Mason d’Croz, D., Meijl, H. van, Mensbrugghe, D. van der, Müller, C., Popp, Alexander, Robertson, R., Robinson, S., Schmid, E., Schmitz, C., Tabeau, A., Willenbockel, D. (2014):
Climate change effects on agriculture: Economic responses to biophysical shocks
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Haddeland, I., Heinke, J., Biemans, H., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Hanasaki, N., Konzmann, M., Ludwig, F., Masaki, Y., Schewe, Jacob, Stacke, T., Tessler, Z. D., Wada, Y., Wisser, D. (2014):
Global water resources affected by human interventions and climate change
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Sakschewski, B., von Bloh, Werner, Huber, V., Müller, C., Bondeau, A. (2014):
Feeding 10 billion people under climate change: How large is the production gap of current agricultural systems?
- Ecological Modelling
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, von Lampe, M., Kyle, P., Fujimori, S., Havlík, P., van Meijl, H., Hasegawa, T., Popp, Alexander, Schmitz, C., Tabeau, A., Valin, H., Willenbockel, D., Wise, M. (2014):
Impacts of increased bioenergy demand on global food markets: an AgMIP economic model intercomparison
- Agricultural Economics
Vohland, K., Rannow, S., Stagl, J., Rannow, S., Neubert, M. (2014):
Climate Change Impact Modelling Cascade - Benefits and Limitations for Conservation Management
- Managing Protected Areas in Central and Eastern Europe under Climate Change, Advances in Global Change Research ; 58
Lissner, T. K., Reusser, D. E., Schewe, Jacob, Lakes, T., Kropp, J. P. (2014):
Climate impacts on human livelihoods: where uncertainty matters in projections of water availability
- Earth System Dynamics
Otto, C., Lingnau, B., Schöll, E., Lüdge, K. (2014):
Manipulating coherence resonance in a quantum dot semiconductor laser via electrical pumping
- Optics Express
Schürkmann, A. K., Biewald, A., Rolinski, Susanne, Bhaduri, A., Bogardi, J., Leentvaar, J., Marx, S. (2014):
A Global Approach to Estimating the Benefit-Cost Ratio of Water Supply Measures in the Agricultural Sector
- The Global Water System in the Anthropocene, Springer Water
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Werner, P. C., Krellig, H. (2014):
Die Klimaentwicklung in Potsdam zwischen 1761 und 2050
- Historische Gärten im Klimawandel
Blöschl, G., Bardossy, A., Koutsoyiannis, D., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Littlewood, I., Montanari, A., Savenije, H. (2014):
On the future of journal publications in hydrology. [Joint Editorial]
- Water Resources Research
Pradhan, P., Lüdeke, M. K. B., Reusser, D. E., Kropp, J. P. (2014):
Food self-sufficiency across scales: How local can we go?
- Environmental Science and Technology
Schleussner, C. F., Levermann, Anders, Meinshausen, M. (2014):
Probabilistic projections of the Atlantic overturning
- Climatic Change
Nishina, K., Ito, A., Beerling, D. J., Cadule, P., Ciais, P., Clark, D. B., Falloon, P., Friend, A. D., Kahana, R., Kato, E., Keribin, R., Lucht, Wolfgang, Lomas, M., Rademacher, T. T., Pavlick, R., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Vuichard, N., Warszawaski, L., Yokohata, T. (2014):
Quantifying uncertainties in soil carbon responses to changes in global mean temperature and precipitation
- Earth System Dynamics
Oijen, M. van, Balkovič, J., Beer, C., Cameron, D., Ciais, P., Cramer, W., Kato, T., Kuhnert, M., Martin, R., Myneni, R., Rammig, A., Rolinski, Susanne, Soussana, J.-F., Thonicke, Kirsten, Velde, M. van der, Xu, L. (2014):
Impact of droughts on the C-cycle in European vegetation: a probabilistic risk analysis using six vegetation models
- Biogeosciences
Hoffmann, P., Österle, H., Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Holldorb, C., Rumpel, F. (2014):
The effects of climate change on winter service in Germany
- Routes/Roads
Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm (2014):
Climate Change and the Possible Consequences for the Potsdam Region
- Historic Gardens and Climate Change
Blöschl, G., Bardossy, A., Koutsoyiannis, D., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Littlewood, I., Montanari, A., Savenije, H. (2014):
On the future of journal publications in hydrology. [Joint Editorial]
- Hydrological Sciences Journal
Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2014):
Adapting flood preparedness tools to changing flood risk conditions: the situation in Poland
- Oceanologia
Dietrich, Jan Philipp, Schmitz, Christoph, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander, Müller, Christoph (2014):
Forecasting technological change in agriculture - An endogenous implementation in a global land use model
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Reyer, C., Lasch-Born, P., Suckow, F., Gutsch, M., Murawski, A., Pilz, T. (2014):
Projections of regional changes in forest net primary productivity for different tree species in Europe driven by climate change and carbon dioxide
- Annals of Forest Science
Koch, H., Vögele, S., Kaltofen, M., Grossmann, M., Grünewald, U. (2014):
Security of water supply and electricity production: aspects of integrated management
- Water Resources Management
Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Stoffel, M., Wyzga, B., Mikus, P., Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2014):
Large wood dynamics in a wide mountain river: The Czarny Dunajec, Polish Carpathians
- Large wood dynamics in a wide mountain river: The Czarny Dunajec, Polish Carpathians
Biewald, A., Rolinski, Susanne (2014):
Globaler Handel spart Wasser
- DLG-Mitteilungen
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Kowalczak, P. (2014):
Powodzie miejskie i zrównoważona gospodarka terenami - polska perspektywa
- Problemy Ekorozwoju
Müller, C., Robertson, R. D. (2014):
Projecting future crop productivity for global economic modeling
- Agricultural Economics
Schmitz, C., Meijl, H. van, Kyle, P., Nelson, G. C., Fujimori, S., Gurgel, A., Havlik, P., Heyhoe, E., Mason d'Croz, D., Popp, Alexander, Sands, R., Tabeau, A., Mensbrugghe, D. van der, Lampe, M. von, Wise, M., Blanc, E., Hasegawa, T., Kavallari, A., Valin, H. (2014):
Land-use change trajectories up to 2050: insights from a global agro-economic model comparison
- Agricultural Economics