Publications Forest and Ecosystem Resilience

10 recent key publications:

  1. Bugmann H, F Hartig, R Seidl, F Bohn, J Brůna, M Cailleret, L François, J Heinke, A-J Henrot, T Hickler, L Hülsmann, A Huth, I Jacquemin, C Kollas, P Lasch-Born, MJ Lexer, J Merganič, K Merganičová, T Mette, BR Miranda, D Nadal-Sala, W Rammer, A Rammig, B Reineking, E Roedig, S Sabaté, J Steinkamp, F Suckow, G Vacchiano, J Wild, C Xu, CPO Reyer (2019) Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long-term forest dynamics: an assessment across 15 models from the stand to the global scale. Ecosphere 10(2):e02616.
  2. Gutsch M, P Lasch-Born, C Kollas, F Suckow, CPO Reyer (2018) Balancing trade-offs between ecosystem services in Germany’s forests under climate change. Environmental Research Letters 13:045012
  3. Yousefpour R, A Lessa, CPO Reyer, P Lasch-Born, F Suckow, M Hanewinkel (2018) Realizing Mitigation Efficiency of European Commercial Forests by Climate Smart Forestry. Scientific Reports 8:345 doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18778-w
  4. Seidl R, D Thom, M K, D Martin-Benito, M Peltoniemi, G Vacchiano, J Wild, D Ascoli, M Petr, J Honkaniemi, MJ Lexer, V Trotsiuk, P Mairota, M Svoboda, M Fabrika, TA Nagel, CPO Reyer (2017) Forest disturbances under climate change. Nature Climate Change 7:395–402 DOI 10.1038/nclimate3303
  5. Reyer CPO, S Bathgate, K Blennow, JG Borges, H Bugmann, S Delzon, SP Faias, J Garcia-Gonzalo, B Gardiner, JR Gonzalez-Olabarria, C Gracia, J Guerra Hernández, S Kellomäki, K Kramer, MJ Lexer, M Lindner, E van der Maaten, M Maroschek, B Muys, B Nicoll, M Palahi, JHN Palma, JA Paulo, H Peltola, T Pukkala, W Rammer, D Ray, S Sabaté, MJ Schelhaas, R Seidl, C Temperli, M Tomé, R Yousefpour, NE Zimmermann, M Hanewinkel (2017) Are forest disturbances amplifying or canceling out climate change-induced productivity changes in European forests? Environmental Research Letters 12:034027 DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/aa5ef1
  6. Reyer CPO, N Brouwers, A Rammig, B Brook, J Epila, RF Grant, M Holmgren, F Langerwisch, S Leuzinger, W Lucht, B Medlyn, M Pfeiffer, J Steinkamp, M Vanderwel, H Verbeeck, D Villela (2015) Forest resilience and tipping points at different spatio-temporal scales: approaches and challenges. Journal of Ecology 103:5-15 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12337
  7. Schellnhuber HJ, C Reyer, W Hare, K Waha, IM Otto, O Serdeczny, M Schaeffer, CF Schleußner, D Reckien, R Marcus, O Kit, A Eden, S Adams, V Aich, T Albrecht, F Baarsch, A Boit, N Canales Trujillo, M Cartsburg, D Coumou, M Fader, H Hoff, G Jobbins, L Jones, L Krummenauer, F Langerwisch, V Le Masson, E Ludi, M Mengel, J Möhring, B Mosello, A Norton, M Perette, P Pereznieto, A Rammig, J Reinhardt, A Robinson, M Rocha, B Sakschewski, S Schaphoff, J Schewe, J Stagl, K Thonicke (2014) Turn Down the Heat: Confronting the New Climate Normal. The World Bank, Washington. Download the report.
  8. Lindner M, JB Fitzgerald, NE Zimmermann, CPO Reyer, S Delzon, E van der Maaten, MJ Schelhaas, P Lasch-Born, J Eggers, M van der Maaten-Theunissen, F Suckow, A Psomas, B Poulter, M Hanewinkel (2014) Climate Change and European Forests: What do we know, what are the uncertainties, and what are the implications for forest management? Journal of Environmental Management 146:69-83 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.07.030
  9. Reyer CPO, P Lasch-Born, F Suckow, M Gutsch, A Murawski, T Pilz (2014) Projections of regional changes in forest net primary productivity for different tree species in Europe driven by climate change and carbon dioxide. Annals of Forest Science 71:211-225 DOI 10.1007/s13595-013-0306-8
  10. Reyer CPO, S Leuzinger, A Rammig, A Wolf, RP Bartholomeus, A Bonfante, F De Lorenzi, M Dury, P Gloning, R Abou Jaoudé, T Klein, TM Kuster, M Martins, G Niedrist, M Riccardi, G Wohlfahrt, P De Angelis, G de Dato, L François, A Menzel, M Pereira (2013) A plant’s perspective of extremes: Terrestrial plant responses to changing climatic variability. Global Change Biology 19:75-89

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