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- Theoretical and Applied Climatology
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A methodological critique on using temperature-conditioned resampling for climate projections as in the paper of Gerstengarbe et al. (2013) winter storm- and summer thunderstorm-related loss events in Theoretical and Applied Climatology (TAC)
- Theoretical and Applied Climatology
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The impacts of climate change across the globe: A multi-sectoral assessment
- Climatic Change
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- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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- Earth System Science Data
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- Environmental Research Letters
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- Geografie : Sborník Ceske Geografické Společnosti
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- Climate Dynamics
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Effekte des Klimawandels und von Reduktionsmaßnahmen auf die Nährstoffeinträge und -frachten im Elbegebiet bis zur Jahrhundertmitte
- Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung
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Natural streamflow simulation for two largest river basins in Poland: a baseline for identification of flow alterations
- Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
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Impacts of climate change on riverine ecosystems: alterations of ecologically relevant flow dynamics in the Danube River and its major tributaries
- Water
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- Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung
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- Science of the Total Environment