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Levermann, Anders, Albrecht, T., Winkelmann, Ricarda, Martin, M. A., Haseloff, M., Joughin, I. (2012): Kinematic first-order calving law implies potential for abrupt ice-shelf retreat - The Cryosphere
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Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Durban und die große Transformation - zeo2 - Magazin für Umwelt, Politik und Neue Wirtschaft
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Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Was lässt den Meeresspiegel steigen? - Was lässt den Meeresspiegel steigen?, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
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Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Am Puls der Klimakrise + Update - Am Puls der Klimakrise + Update, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Obamas Siegesrede + Updates - Obamas Siegesrede + Updates, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Baumann, M., Ozdogan, M., Kümmerle, T., Wendland, K. J., Esipova, E., Radeloff, V. C. (2012): Using the Landsat record to detect forest-cover changes during and after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the temperate zone of European Russia - Remote Sensing of Environment
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Asariotis, R., Benamara, H. (2012): Climate Change: State of the Science - Maritime Transport and the Climate Change Challenge
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Klimagipfel in 83 Sekunden - Klimagipfel in 83 Sekunden, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge