
Coumou, Dim, Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): A decade of weather extremes - Nature Climate Change
Rahmstorf, Stefan, Müller, T. (2012): Herausforderung Klimaschutz: Die naturwissenschaftliche Basis - 20 Jahre Recht der Erneuerbaren Energien, Schriften zum Umweltenergierecht ; 10
Popp, Alexander, Krause, M., Dietrich, J. P., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Leimbach, Marian, Beringer, T., Bauer, Nicolas (2012): Additional CO2 emissions from land use change - forest conservation as a precondition for sustainable production of second generation bioenergy - Ecological Economics
Martin, M. (2012): Numerical Simulation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its Dynamic Response to External Perturbations - Numerical Simulation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its Dynamic Response to External Perturbations
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Infos zum Supersturm Sandy + Updates - Infos zum Supersturm Sandy + Updates, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Messner, D., Leggewie, C., Leinfelder, R., Nakicenovic, N., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Schlacke, S., Schmid, J., Schubert, R. (2012): Finanzierung der globalen Energiewende - Finanzierung der globalen Energiewende, Politikpapier ; 7
Winkelmann, Ricarda, Levermann, Anders, Frieler, Katja, Martin, M. A. (2012): Uncertainty in future solid ice discharge from Antarctica - The Cryosphere Discussions
Kümmerle, T., Hickler, T., Olofsson, J., Schurgers, G., Radeloff, V. C. (2012): Reconstructing range dynamics and range fragmentation of European bison for the last 8000 years - Diversity and Distributions
Schmitz, C. (2012): The Future of Food Supply in a Constraining Environment - The Future of Food Supply in a Constraining Environment
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Golfstrom und Wahrheit - Golfstrom und Wahrheit, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Das Eis und Du - zeo2 - Magazin für Umwelt, Politik und Neue Wirtschaft
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Welche Rolle spielt die Sonne? - Spektrum.de - die Woche
Hickler, T., Vohland, K., Feehan, J., Miller, P., Smith, B., Costa, L., Giesecke, T., Fronzek, S., Carter, T., Cramer, W., Kühn, I., Sykes, M. (2012): Projecting the future distribution of European potential natural vegetation zones with a generalized, tree species-based dynamic vegetation model - Global Ecology and Biogeography
Griffiths, P., Kümmerle, T., Kennedy, R. E., Abrudan, I. V., Knorn, J., Hostert, P. (2012): Using annual time-series of Landsat images to assess the effects of forest restitution in post-socialist Romania - Remote Sensing of Environment
Brovkin, V., Ganopolski, A., Archer, D., Munhoven, G. (2012): Glacial CO2 cycle as a succession of key physical and biogeochemical processes - Climate of the Past
Gudmundsson, L., Tallaksen, L. M., Stahl, K., Clark, D. B., Dumont, E., Hagemann, S., Bertrand, N., Gerten, Dieter, Heinke, J., Hanasaki, N., Voss, F., Koirala, S. (2012): Comparing large-scale hydrological model simulations to observed runoff percentiles in Europe - Journal of Hydrometeorology
Schaeffer, M., Hare, W., Rahmstorf, Stefan, Vermeer, M. (2012): Long-term sea-level rise implied by 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming levels - Nature Climate Change
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Hare, W., Serdeczny, O., Adams, S., Coumou, Dim, Frieler, Katja, Martin, M., Otto, I. M., Perrette, M., Robinson, A., Rocha, M., Schaeffer, M., Schewe, Jacob, Wang, X., Warszawski, L. (2012): Turn Down the Heat. Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided - Turn Down the Heat. Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Sibirische Kälte, Vahrenholt - Sibirische Kälte, Vahrenholt, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Auf den Outer Banks (+ Update) - Auf den Outer Banks (+ Update), Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Ziółkowska, E., Ostapowicz, K., Kümmerle, T., Perzanowski, K., Radeloff, V. C., Kozak, J. (2012): Potential habitat connectivity of European bison (Bison bonasus) in the Carpathians - Biological Conservation
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Die populärste Trickgrafik der Klimaskeptiker - Die populärste Trickgrafik der Klimaskeptiker, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Grönland im Mittelalter „fast eisfrei“! (+ Update) - Grönland im Mittelalter „fast eisfrei“! (+ Update), Climate science weblog KlimaLounge
Jaing, Y., Zhuang, Q., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Sitch, S., Sokolov, A., Kicklighter, D., Melillo, J. (2012): Uncertainty analysis of vegetation distribution in the northern high latitudes during the 21st century with a dynamic vegetation model - Ecology and Evolution
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2012): Rätsel endlich gelöst? - Rätsel endlich gelöst?, Climate science weblog KlimaLounge