Books, Chapters, Popular Science,...

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Books, Chapters, Popular Science

bold: Contributions of group members

  • Kropp JP (2023): Für eine wirkliche Nachhaltigkeitstransformation müssen wir „Stadt“ neu denken! VHW Zeitschrift Bundesverband Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung 2: 65-68.
  • Göke L, von Hirschhausen C, Joshi S, Kemfert C, Kropp JP, Schellnhuber HJ, Weber ER, Zerefos C (2023): European Power Sovereignty through Renewables by 2030: A Meta-Analysis. Aquila Capital Holding, 132 pp.
  • Kropp JP(2022): Grüne Lunge statt grauer Moloch: Unsere Städte sind der Schlüsselfaktor dafür, ob wir die Wende zur Nachhaltigkeit hinbekommen oder nicht. Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik. DGAP, Berlin, ISSN: 1430-175X, 6: 22-25
  • Kropp JP(2021): Was der Klimawandel für unsere Städte bedeutet. Das Haus, 9: 22-25, Burda Verlag, München, ISSN 0945-6236
  • Beutmann J, Bischof A, Deppmeyer K, van Ess M, Ha N, Kliewer M, Kropp J, Manz K, Markgraf M, Mayer M, Prell U, Schötz S, Weger T, Wilde J, Wilde J (2020): Die Stadt: Zwischen Skyline und Latrine: Ein Reiseführer. Staatliches Museum für Archälogie, Chemitz, 208 S, Verlag Beier und Beran.
  • Reusswig, Fritz, Wiebke Lass, Seraja Bock (2020): Urban low-carbon futures: Results from real-world lab experiment in Berlin. In: Lopes M,  Henggeler Antunes C,  Janda KB (eds.), Energy and Behavior. Towards a low Carbon Future, Elsevier. Academic Press, Pages 419-450.
  • Kropp JP (co-author (2017): Region at Risk: The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank, ISBN 978-92-9257-851-0, 131pp. [DOI].
  • Wrobel M, Bisaro A, Reusser D, Kropp JP (2013): Novel Approaches for Web-Based Access to Climate Change Adaptation Information - MEDIATION Adaptation Platform and ci:grasp-2. p. 489-499. In: Hrebícek, J.; Schimak, G.; Kubásek, M.; Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.) (2013): Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Volume 413, Springer.
  • Vohland K., Badeck F, Wrobel M(2013): Klimawandel in Schutzgebieten. p 31-45, in: Vohland K.; Badeck, F. et al. (Hrsg.): Schutzgebiete Deutschlands im Klimawandel - Risiken und Handlungsoptionen. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt Heft 129, Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn - Bad Godesberg
  • Lüdeke MKB (2013): Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Foresight, p. 53-65, In: Sapio B, Giaoutzi M (2013): Recent Developments in Foresight. Springer, Heidelberg. [DOI].
  • Lucas P, Hilderink H, Kok M, Lüdeke MKB (2011): Long-term Development and the Millennium Development Goals In: A Changing Environment for Human Security: New Agendas for Research, Policy, and Action eds.: O'Brian K, Wolf J, Sygna L. London: Earthscan.
  • sunil Nautiyal S, Rao KS, Kaechele H, Raju KV, Schaldach R (2013): Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Springer, Heidelberg.

    • Kropp JP (2013): Accepting Climate Change Challenges: gambling with the future or path-finding for long-term sustainability?
    Schmidt-Thomé, P, Klein J (2013): Climate change adaptation in practice: From strategy development to implementation, Wiley, Chichester.
    Chapters of Group Members:
    • Boettle M, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2013): Adaptation to sea level rise: Calculating costs and benefits for the case study Kalundborg, Denmark, p. 25-34, (MetaID: 1721).
    • Boettle M, Schmidt-Thomé P, Rybski D (2013): Coastal protection and multi-criteria decision analysis: Didactically processed examples, p. 35-49, (MetaID: 1722).
    greiving Schmidt-Thomé P, Greiving S (2013): European climate vulnerabilities and adaptation: A spatial planning perspective, Wiley, Chichester.
    Chapters of Group Members:
    • Holsten A, Walther C, Rothmeier O, Kropp JP (2013): Integrated Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change: The case study of North-Rhine Westphalia.
    • Walther C, Holsten A, Kropp JP (2013): Identifying a typology of climate change in Europe, (MetaID: 1730).
    • Lindner C, Holsten A (2013): Climate change exposure assessment of European regions, (MetaID: 1729).
    null Menoni S & Margottini C (2011): Inside Risk: A Strategy for Sustainable Risk Mitigation, Springer, Berlin, 364pp.
    Chapters of Group Members:
    • Delmonaco G, Atun F, Ceudech A, Deeming H, de Roo A, Lumbroso D, Galderisi A, Kallache M, Kropp JP, Kundak S, Molinari D, Tweed F, Wade S, Walker G, Dandoulaki M, Barredo J (2011): Europe at Risk, Chapt. 2, p. 23-91.
    • Kropp JP, Walker G, Menoni S, Kallache M, Deeming H, d1e Roo A, Atun F, Kundak S (2011): Risk Futures in Europe. Chapt 5, p. 187-244.
    • Galderisi A, Kropp JP, Ceudech A, Kallache M (2011): From Global to Local and From Local to Global: Exemples of Event Scenarios. Chapt. 6, p. 245-286.
    • Menoni S, Margottini C, Galderisi A, Delmonaco G, Ferrara F, Kropp JP, Esteban JF, Lopez J, Pugliano A, Mejri O, Plebani P (2011): Shift in Thinking, Chapt. 7, p. 282-327.

    Kropp JP, Schellnhuber HJ (2011): In Extremis: Disruptive Events, Trends, and Correlations in Hydrology and Climate. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, 380pp.
    Chapters of Group Members:
    • Kallache M, Rust HW, Lange H, Kropp JP (2011): Extreme Value Analysis considering Trends. Chapt. 8, p. 167-183.
    • Rust HW, Kallache M, Schellnhuber HJ, Kropp JP: Flood Level Confidence Intervals, Chapt. 3, p. 61-88.
    • Rybski D, Neumann J: A review on the Pettitt Test, Chapt. 10, p. 202-213.
    • Rybski D, Bunde A, Havlin S, Kantelhardt JW, Koscielny-Bunde E: Detrended fluctuation studies of long-term persistence and multifractality of precipitation and river runoff records Chapt. 11, p. 216-248.
    resilient-cits Zimmermann K.O. (Ed.) (2011): Resilient Cities - Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, Dordrecht: Springer
    Chapters of Group Members:
    • Kit O, Lüdeke M, Reckien D: Assessment of climate change-induced vulnerability to floods in Hyderabad/India using remote sensing data, pp 35-44.
    • Grothmann T: Governance Recommendations for Adaptation in European Urban Regions: Results from Five Case Studies and a European Expert Survey. 167-175 p.
    • Reckien D, Wildenberg M, Deb K: Understanding Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Options in Indian Megacities, pp 15-34.
    advancedmethods Kropp JP, Scheffran J (2007): Advanced Methods for Decision Making and Risk Management in Sustainability Science. Nova Science Publ., New York
    selforganisingmaps Kropp JP, Schellnhuber HJ (2008): Prototyping of Broad-Scale Climate and Ecosystem Classes by Means of Self-Organising Maps. in: P. Agarwal & A. Skupin (Eds.) Self-Organising Maps: Applications in Geographic Information Sciences, 216pp., Wiley & Sons, New York
    lsabericht_thumb Kropp JP, Roithmeier O, et al. (2010): Klimawandel in Sachsen-Anhalt: Verletzlichkeiten gegenüber den Folgen des Klimawandels. Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, Potsdam, Germany. [Download]:
    practitioners_manual_thumb Kropp JP, Scholze M (2009): Climate Change Information for Effective Adaptation: A practitioner's Manual. Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ (German Technical Cooperation), Eschborn, KlarmannDruck GmbH, Kelkheim.
    • Kropp JP, Holsten A, et al. (2009): Klimawandel in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Regionale Abschätzung der Anfälligkeit ausgewählter Sektoren; Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, Potsdam, Germany. 

    Contributions to popular scientific journals & books

    • Kropp JP (2010): Flüchtlingsströme der Zukunft. in: Bundeswehr aktuell, Nr. 38 / 2010, S. 6
    Zum Magazin "Bundeswehr aktuell" Nr. 38 (PDF, 3 MB)
    • Rybski D, Costa L (2010): Welche Kosten verursacht der Klimawandel? in: EUCC - Die Küstenunion Deutschland e.V. (Hrsg.): Meer & Küste - Deutsche Ostsee, Nr. 2 / 2010, S. 31

    Zum Magazin "Meer & Küste"
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