Green Party head in exchange with climate researchers

10/31/2014 - The co-chair of the German Green party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Simone Peter, recently visited the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research for several hours of talks on current developments in climate science. Among the subjects discussed were sea-level rise, extreme weather situations and how they are caused by disruptions to global circulation patterns, the challenges arising from the German energy transition, and the chances for international climate policy. PIK, a research institute whose mission is to generate interdisciplinary insights and to provide sound scientific information for decision-makers, is visited regularly by representatives of various political parties and governments.
Green Party head in exchange with climate researchers

"PIK is one of the top addresses in international climate science," said Simone Peter, who is a biologist by training, after the visit. "Speaking to the experts at PIK about current developments and innovative solutions was both informative and inspiring for me." Among those who took part in the discussions was Stefan Rahmstorf, co-chair of the Earth Systems Analysis research domain at PIK. "We're always pleased when politicians directly seek dialogue with the scientific world," he explained. "Because after all, informed political action depends on the decision-makers knowing about the most recent advances in scientific understanding." Other experts taking part in the exchange were Brigitte Knopf, head of the PIK research group Energy Strategies for Europe and Germany, and PIK director Hans Joachim Schellnhuber.

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