Research on climate resilient coffee featured in TV-documentary

06/08/2024 - At the beginning of 2024 our scientist Sophie von Loeben was accompanied to Uganda by a film team of the German national TV station ZDF to feature her research on innovative solutions for a climate-resilient future for coffee as part of their documentary series “planb”.
Research on climate resilient coffee featured in TV-documentary

Coffee plants are highly sensitive to changing weather conditions. Climate change therefore poses a serious threat to global coffee production and the millions of people who depend on it for their livelihoods.

One strategy to adapt to climate change is the commercial cultivation of wild coffee varieties, such as Liberica coffee, which is already being grown in Uganda. The documentary delves into challenges and opportunities of introducing a “new” coffee species to the global market.

This research is part of the AfriValue project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is conducted in collaboration with the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and the Uganda Coffee Farmers Alliance (UCFA).

The documentary aired in June on ARTE and in July on ZDF and is now available in their respective media libraries: ARTE and ZDF.