Eduardo Noriega
January 2024: Right at the beginning of the new year, the B-EPICC project welcomed Eduardo Noriega, a Bolivian scientist working in Brazil. Eduardo Noriega has recently completed his Master’s degree in Manaus, Brazil, within the climate and environment postgraduate program at the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA). Here, he worked on hydrological modeling of the Andes-Amazonas transition in Bolivia.
During his one-month stay he collaborated with the project´s hydrology expert Carlos Fernández Palomino focusing on hydrological modeling of the Andes-Amazon. Here he particularly worked on the improvement of the modeling of the complex terrain in the Andes-Amazon. Since his research is based at the heart of Amazon basin (Manaus city) he focused on enhancing the scientific knowledge of the directional variables of the Amazon river system: water and sediment flow.
He also took part in the B-EPICC Final Events during which he compared the situation and experience in Brazil and Bolivia with guest researchers from other partner countries and discussed possible joint research and capacity building initiatives beyond the B-EPICC project.
Savia Santos
August to November 2023: Brazilian Guest Researcher Savia Santos joined B-EPICC. Savia Santos from the Cedeplar-Demography department at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil worked together with Dr. Alec Thornton in the field of climate migration. During three months they worked on analyzing data collected during a joint field work in Poço Fundo. Their results are used for a paper they are currently working on.
For Savia, her stay offered a great opportunity to get in touch with other people involved in the project as well as with other projects at PIK. She received good feedback for the results of their study. However, the time of her stay felt very short and went by really fast.
Currently, Savia is finishing her Master thesis using the research achievements generated in the project. Moving forward, she is applying to a PhD in the field of population and environment.