Publications 2015-2016

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Journal Articles (2015-2016)

bold: Contributions of group members

  1. Fluschnik T, Kriewald S, Cantu Ros A, Zhou B, Reusser DE, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2016): The size distribution, scaling properties and spatial organisation of urban clusters: a global and regional percolation perspective.  ISPRS Int. Jour. Geo. Information, 5(7), 110, [DOI].
  2. Walther C, Olonscheck M (2016): Analyzing heat exposure in two German cities by using meteorological data from both within and outside a city. Meteorological Applications, 23, 3, 541–553, [DOI].
  3. Carl-Friedrich Schleussner CF, Lissner TK, Fischer EM, Wohland J, Perrette M, Golly A, Rogelji J, Childers K, Schewe J, Frieler K, Mengel M, Hare W, Schaeffer M (2016): Differential climate impacts for policy-relevant limits to global warming: the case of 1.5 °C and 2 °C, Earth Syst. Dynam. 7, 327–351, [DOI]
  4. Hic C, Pradhan P, Rybski D, Kropp JP (2016): Food surplus and its climate burden. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(8), 4269–4277, [DOI]
  5. Boettle, M., D. Rybski, J. P. Kropp (2016): Quantifying the effect of sea level rise and flood defence - a point process perspective on coastal flood damage. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16:559–576,  [DOI], [press release]
  6. Gudipudi R, Fluschnik T, Cantu Ros A, Walther C, Kropp JP (2016): City density and CO2 efficiency. Energy Policy, 91:352–361,  [DOI]
  7. Zhou B, Lauwaet D, Hooyberghs H, de Ridder K, Kropp JP, Rybski D (2016): Assessing seasonality in the surface urban heat island of London. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55(3):493–505,  [DOI]
  8. Prahl BF, Rybski D, Boettle M, Kropp JP (2016): Damage functions for climate-related hazards: unification and uncertainty analysis Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1189-1203, [DOI]
  9. Kok MTJ, Lüdeke MKB, Lucas PL, Sterzel T, Walther C, Janssen P, Sietz D, de Soysa I (2016): A new method for analysing patterns of vulnerability. Regional Environmental Change, 16(1), 229-241, [DOI]
  10. Pfannerstill M, Guse B, Reusser D,  Fohrer, N (2015): Process verification of a hydrological model using a temporal parameter sensitivity analysis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(10) 4365-4376 [DOI]
  11. Halbe J, Reusser DE, Holtz G, Haasnoot M, Stosius A, Avenhaus W, Kwakkel JH (2015): Lessons for model use in transition research: A survey and comparison with other research areas. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 15: 194-210.
  12. Olonscheck M, Walther C, Lüdeke MKB, Kropp JP (2015): Feasibility of energy reduction targets under climate change: The case of the residential heating energy sector of the Netherlands. Energy, 90(1): 650-569, [DOI]
  13. Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Strauch M, Reusser DE, Lüdtke S, Volk M, Gupta H, Fohrer N (2015): On characterizing the temporal dominance patterns of model parameters and processes. Hydrological Processes, 30(13) 2255-2270, [DOI]
  14. Tekken V. & Kropp JP (2015): Sustainable Water Management - Perspectives for Tourism Development in North-eastern Morocco. Tourism Management Perspectives, 16: 325–334, [DOI]
  15. Kinkeldey Ch, Schiewe J, Gerstmann H, Götze Ch, Kit O, Lüdeke MKB, Taubenböck H, Wurm M (2015): Evaluating the use of uncertainty visualization for exploratory analysis of land cover change: a qualitative expert user study. Computers & Geosciences 84, 46-53
  16. Vitolo C, Elkhatib Y, Reusser D, Macleod CJA, Buytaert W (2015): Web technologies for environmental Big Data. Environmental Modelling & Software, 63: 185-198.
  17. Pradhan P, Fischer G, van Velthuizen H, Reusser DE, & Kropp JP (2015). Closing yield gaps: how sustainable can we be? PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129487, [DOI]
  18. Prahl BF, Rybski D, Burghoff O, Kropp JP (2015): Comparison of storm damage functions and their performance. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 769-788 [DOI]

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