PIK-Podcast: No going back? How climate change drives migration

03/01/2022 - Climate change makes people lose their homes. Barbora Sedova, PIK Co-Lead of the FutureLab Security, Ethnic Conflicts and Migration, in dialogue with Chris Hodder, the first UN Climate Security and Environmental Advisor to Somalia, on climate change and its impacts on migration, displacement and even conflict.
PIK-Podcast: No going back? How climate change drives migration

Climate change makes people lose their homes. Flooding, droughts, heatwaves, and fires urge people to flee the place they grew up - and possibly never return. The latest IPCC report on climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability points out that “climate hazards are a growing driver of involuntary migration and displacement and a contributing factor to violent conflict”. Barbora Sedova, PIK Co-Lead of the FutureLab Security, Ethnic Conflicts and Migration, discusses the issue with Chris Hodder, the first UN Climate Security and Environmental Advisor to Somalia. A woman of data and a man in the field, the two experts shed a light on how exactly climate change is driving migration, displacement and even conflict. They also speak about what could be done to combat the looming climate migration emergency that is already underway.


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